22; Couple Soup

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| 𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 4 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜....

I stood near the bus stand, under the roof that was on me. I saw a drop fall on the ground and it followed. Soon, it rained. I kept my hand outside as the drops of rain fell.

Everything had been going very great. I had a nice life. My Dad had started his own business of designing in Seoul, in fact, him and Mrs. Park were partners in business as they both had a passion for Designing.

About Sunghoon and Me, we were having our happy days going. We were happy with each other. I was more than grateful to have him in my life. I had turned 24 finally.

Yeah, it has been 4 years since those incidents happened. I forgot everything. Like I said, Leaving back all the sorrows, I'll continue my normal and happy life. I did make sure of it.

"Seohee", I heard a familiar voice. I turned to look at the person who was standing there, holding a bouquet of rose in his hand. I chuckled as he ran to me.

He had gotten all wet. "Sorry, these flowers got wet".

I took the bouquet and kissed him on the cheeks making him froze at his place. "I love it!".

His cheeks turned bright red and he stared wide eyed at me. Suddenly there was a loud thunder and I flinched. And quickly hugged Sunghoon, the boquet fell off my hands. He patted my back.

"It's okay, I am here", he caressed my head and hugged me tightly.

I slowly turned my gaze to him. We were just half inches away. He kept staring at me. His perfect wet hair, his beauty face, everything was Captivating about.

"Seohee", he spoke with a serious face. I kept staring at him waiting for him to speak. "Can I kiss you?".

I didn't have the time to process anything. His lips were on mine and we kissed each other passtionately under the roof while it was raining. The world just stopped for me. It was just magical.

We stopped and our foreheads touch. He held my hand and a soft chuckle left his mouth. "You are beautiful, Kim Seohee! I love you".

"I love you too", I confessed. He pulled me into a hug and we both shared a beautiful moment.

Meanwhile.... (AUTHOR'S Note)

"Where the hell are they? It's heavily raining outside! I am worried", Mrs. Park sipped on her cup of coffee and stared outside the window.

"Don't Worry! They are safe. Here have this", he handed her the plate of cookies and she chuckled.

"You sure are generous... You hate giving your cookies to anyone, Mr. Kim", Mrs. Park teased. He chuckled.

"Take the cookies before I change my mind", he laughed. She quickly ate the cookie in one bite. "Wah, How much can you fill in that small mouth?".

"More food than you", she kept on eating.

The door opened and there entered Sunghoon and Seohee all wet. Mrs. Park and Mr. Kim ran to the door.

"Omo! You are all wet", Mrs. Park spoke. "Hey, Bring Towels for them".

She ordered the maid and looked at the both of them as she heard a loud sneeze. "Omo, Turn on the heater in your room! Here have this".

She handed the towel and wrapped around them. They went to the room, turning on the heater.

"Oh, I feel so cold!", Seohee said as she rubbed her hands against each other.

"Give me a hug", Sunghoon spoke with a cute baby voice. She chuckled and hugged him.

"Ah!! I feel so better now", I chuckled as he caressed my hair. "Hoonie-ah".

He suddenly stopped and pulled her away. He looked at her with wide eyes. "Say that again".

"Hoonie~", she said with a cute voice. His cheeks were bright red and he looked down.

"Yah!! Y-You k-keep C-calling me---", he stopped when she kissed his cheek. He quickly looked at her.

"Hoonie-ah, Saranghae", they stared into each other's eyes like there was no tomorrow. "I am glad you came into my life! I am glad I met you".

"I love you so much", he kissed her forehead and pulled her into a hug.

The door opened and there entered Mrs. Park with a bowl of soup in her hands. "Here have this! It will help you with the cold".

"Only one bowl?", Seohee questioned with a confused expression.

"Ah~ that is Couple Soup", Mrs. Park replied.

They both glanced at each other and then looked away. She took the spoon and drank from the Soup.

"Wah~ Mas-issda (It's Tasty)", she said while drinking a spoonful of soup.

Sunghoon watched as she drank from the bowl one by one. Her eyes fell on Sunghoon who was staring at her all this time. "Why? Aren't you going to drink?".

"T-There is only one spoon", he said and looked the other side, nervously scratching the back of his head.

She stared at Sunghoon for a while and suddenly burst into laughter after hearing what he said. Sunghoon gave her a confused look.

"Oh, Hoonie-ah, wants me to feed him!", she teased. "Hoonie-ah, Why are you so cute?".

His cheeks turned bright red and he looked down. "Y-Yah---".

"Here, have this", she took the spoon of Soup and kept it near Sunghoon's mouth. "Let me feed you, Hoonie-ah".

"You're such a baby", she said as she feed him the soup and ruffled his hair. "My baby~".

He chuckled and stared at Seohee as she kept feeding herself the soup. He smirked and spoke, "This couple soup isn't sweet. I like to taste something sweeter than this".

She stopped and looked at Seohee. "And what is that?".

"Wanna see?", his grin went wide and he raised his eyebrows.

"Show me", she spoke. He leaned closer and pecked her lips.

"Wah~ This is so sweet. Jagiya!! Can I get it one more time?", he cutely asked. She was too shocked to even reply.

"Y-Yah---", she playfully hit him and shyly hid her face with her hands. "Such a Pabo".

"Jagiya, Are you shy?", Sunghoon cutely wiggled making Seohee laugh more.

"Just drink the couple soup, Pabo", she spoke while laughing.

A/N: Did you like this chapter? Make sure to comment and Vote :)

Hoonie loves ya~

Meet you in the next chapter-

Peace out~

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