Part 1 (Rewritten)

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All THUNDERSTORM chapters have been rewritten.

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"John, you can't hide your ability forever." I sighed, looking at him as he stared up at the huge buildings standing before him.

"It doesn't matter, I deserve whatever kind of suffering I get here." He looked down to the ground as he spoke.

"...I won't argue with you." I sighed.

I walked in through the gates with John, and we were greeted by a blue haired student with a cocky smile.

"So you are the new kids here, huh? Guess I'll have to show you who's king... me, the incredible Zeke!" He said.

He activated his ability, and tried to punch me. I activated my ability, and all he punched was water that slowed down the velocity of his punch, so it didn't hurt all that much.

"Wha-" He exclaimed, before I turned that small area of water into a beam pummeling him into a tree.

"That guy was definitely not the king here." I said, deactivating my ability as the "king" fell to the ground.

"Damn, that Water Manipulation is crazy." John shook his head.

"All I do is take the moisture in the air and form it into water." I shrugged.

"So... you're going to be king, right?" John said.

"Well when you look at it, you're better with hand-to-hand combat, and with your ability, so clearly I'm going to be the real king." I said sarcastically.

"So, I'd beat the shit out of you without abilities, and I'd still beat the shit out of you with abilities." He chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..." I mumbled.

"What's your ability level again?" John asked.

"Last time I checked, a 6.4, but that was over a year ago." I told him.

"Huh, barely weaker than me..." John said.

"You're a 7.5." I rolled my eyes.

"Eh, whatever. Go kick the king's ass, maybe you can beat him."

"I don't know, I'm kinda scared of how strong he might be." I said nervously.

We both knew that Wellston was full of high tiers, and I was scared by the fact that there may be people who are 8.0s and maybe even 9.0s.

I guess I shouldn't be stressing over it all that much, so I got rid of the thought.

"After our first class, I'm going to ask who the king is." I said.

"Alright then." John nodded.

Wellston Private High... I'm going to strive to become it's king.

• • •

The first class finally finished, and John was assigned to do a project with the current Queen of Wellston... I wondered how that would go.

I was paired with a small pink haired girl for the project, and she seemed nice. She said her name was Remi, and I just replied telling her my name.

"Oh, hey, there's something I need to ask you about." I told her.

"What is it?" Her amber eyes staring into mine.

"Uh, who is the king here? Also, what's his ability and ability level?" I asked.

"Oh! The king here is Arlo. He has yellow hair, and his ability is just creating a barrier, and he's a 6.3 right now. Are you sure you can beat him?" Remi looked a little worried.

I sighed in relief, and said, "Yeah, I'll be fine."

"I'll be rooting for you!" She smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled back.

Now I just have to find this piss-haired motherfucker...

I walked out of the classroom, and looked for "Arlo", as Remi said his name was.

Soon, I bumped into him in the hall, so I said, "Hello, my name is (Y/N), and I'd like to challenge you for the title of king." I said.

"I don't have time for this, besides, no one here except Seraphina can beat-" He began, before I activated my ability and summoned a beam of water to throw him out through the window.

I jumped out the window, sliding down a path of water. "You act like a bitch, you know that?" I yelled.

"Shit.." He mumbled.

"KICK HIS ASS!" I could hear John yell from where I threw him out the window.

Arlo activated his ability, and I stayed still, waiting for his first move. He started to surround a barrier around me, and I created a pistol out of water, and shot at the barrier.

It didn't do anything, so I figured that his barrier wasn't as weak as I thought.

"What would a toy like that do against someone like me?"

"Ah, shit, just one moment..." I muttered, while trying to find out what went wrong.

The barrier still surrounded me, until I eventually fixed it, and pulled the trigger. The part about "fixing it" was entirely a joke just to fuck with him.

The bullet of water shot straight through the barrier and pierced Arlo's skin.

The barrier faded, and I walked over to Arlo. He tried to back away after falling to his knees, but I created a few fists made out of water and began rapidly punching Arlo. Not strong enough to the point where they'd break bones, but strong enough that they'd render him with severe bruises and in immense pain.

I heard that people at Wellston we're incredibly stubborn, so going to extreme lengths might be necessary.

After several seconds, I eventually deactivated my ability, seeing Arlo unconscious.

"My name is (Y/N)." I said to the people gathered around me.

After remembering I had to work on the project with Remi, I eventually went back to find her, and ran into John.

"Bitch, you are definitely not a 6.4. You're at least a 7." John said.

"I was kinda nervous there." I smiled.

"You looked pretty badass there, I'm surprised you didn't kill him." John said

"I don't think it would've hurt that bad... Anyways, I have to work on the project with uh... Remi, I think." I told him. "See you during lunch!" I said, running down the hall.

"See you later." John waved.

End of Part 1

Hope you're enjoying the story :)

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