Part 12 (Rewritten)

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The story is probably going to end around part 20

Also yes Wellston has a policy against pets in the dorms, but because I really can't change it now, I'm going to just say that because (Y/N) is "king" he can have a pet in his dorm, or have a pet in someone else's dorm

p l o t

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About twenty minutes after the time John had left, I decided that I would take a nap and then go into the shower, so that's exactly what I did.

After some douchebag with a water ability wakes up from his shitty nap

I got out of the shower and dried myself off, and dressed myself in a collared black shirt and blue jeans, and noticed it was almost five. Apparently, in about thirty minutes, that was when Remi would actually come to my dorm.

I just realized I forgot to buy dog food, great. And all I had were frozen pizza bites, don't judge me. So, I immediately preheated the oven, and threw a bunch of the pizza bites onto a metal tray, and threw them into the oven, not caring if it was preheating or not.

The dog was looking at me curiously, and then I heard a knock on my door.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit-

I walked over to my door and opened it, and saw Remi now in a pink dress, which caught me a little off guard.

"H-hi, Remi!" I smiled, trying to hide the dog that was lingering around my feet.

"Is something wrong, (Y/N)? You're sweating, and the dorms are usually pretty cold-" Before she looked at her feet and saw the small little white dog staring up at her.

"Awww, it's so cute! Is it yours?" She kneeled down and pet the dog.

"It's, um, how do I word this... it's a gift for you." I said.

Her eyes widened when I said that, but then again, I guess it may shock you when you see a random dog at your feet and they say it's yours.

"You got him for me?" She asked.

After a long pause, I nodded, and she quickly stood up and hugged me.

"Thank you!" She said.

"A-ah, you're welcome." I replied.

She let go of me, and said in a bright voice, "Let's take him for a walk!"

"Uh, I don't have a leash. Or dog food. Or anything a dog needs." I said in honesty.

"Then let's go to the pet store! Come on, (Y/N)!" She said.

"Okay." I nodded.

I activated my ability, and made a hand of water to turn the oven off, just to make sure I didn't burn the entire dorms down, and did it successfully. We walked outside with Remi carrying the little puppy, and I wondered whether we were actually going out or not, but I knew that as lot as she was happy, I was probably going to be happy as well.

We walked to the pet store with Remi carrying the little dog the entire way, and he didn't seem to have a problem with it.

"So what are you going to name him?" I asked.

"I don't know yet." She said.

I nodded, and continued to walk only a few inches behind her.

After a while, we reached the pet store where I purchased the little puppy, and Remi walked around, buying dog treats, a dog leash, dog food, dog toys, a dog collar, and some other stuff. As usual, I paid, not because she asked me to, just because I felt like a bad friend if I didn't.

There was a large park near Wellston (which I knew John trained his hand-to-hand combat skills at), and me and Remi walked there. I noticed she walked oddly close to me, mere centimeters separating us. I blushed at the sight, but didn't pay too much attention to it.

We reached the large park area, and sat down on a bench. She sat right next to me, with her head resting on my shoulder. She held the dog close to her chest, and smiled. She was always like that- she always smiled even in bad times, and I really admired her for that.

The dog seemed to have been sleeping peacefully, and soon, Remi said, "Hey, (Y/N)? I think I know what I'm going to name him."

End of Part 12

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