Part 4 (Rewritten)

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I need to become stronger. I have to be able to make an impact as king.

If I didn't do that, I was as useless as a cripple.

Once night fell, I'd make sure that the injustice on this earth would be washed away by my own hands... whatever it took.

My ability, my life, but... there's one thing I'd refuse to ever let my enemies have.

My friends.

"Kid, you listening to me?" The blue haired man said irritatingly.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry." I shook my head, clearing my thoughts.

"Drink this," he gave me a blue colored drink, "it'll make you better."

I took the cup from him, and took a sip of it, and holy fucking shit, this tasted like crap.

I drank the rest though clenching my eyes and my fist, and eventually managed to drink it all.

I refilled the cup with some water I created using my ability, and washed the bitter taste out of my mouth before standing up, and giving to cup back to the doctor.

"Okay, so I have to go do some kind of shit for some class downstairs. You better not leave." He growled.

"Yep, I won't!" I said with a smile.

He walked out of the room, and once a minute passed, I was out of there.

I walked back to my dorm, and took out my laptop. I did some research trying to find some small city being ruled over by some tyrant, and I found one.

It was currently being ruled over by (from what the descriptions said) "A tyrannical and maniacal monster, who disregards everyone's emotion."

Why did that remind me of someone... nevermind.

His ability was Wind, and he was only a 5.2, so I could probably take him.

Wait, right, his ability would be boosted... so maybe around a 6.7? I'm not sure if I could deal with that.

Shit, I can't have doubts now. I'm going out there, tonight, and I'm going to stop these people, whatever it takes.

I won't allow myself to lose. I'm going to get up with broken bones and stand to fight. That's just what it would take.

Everything I had.

I closed my laptop, and sighed.

Was I really going to become a vigilante? I don't want to die... but I don't want to die without making some change to this cursed world.

I don't know how strong my opponent will be, but there's one thing that I will make sure is true: That I was stronger than my rival.

I stood up, and noticed my wounds had closed. My arms didn't feel sore anymore, and it was easier to breathe.

But if I'm going to become a vigilante, I'll need a name, mask, and a reputation.

I had an old black ski mask, so I would use that for a mask.

And for my reputation... I'll just have to build that as I go.

The city that was being terrorized wasn't that far away, so I'd just need to board a short train ride to get there.

I stood up from my chair, and started to make a sandwich. I was pretty hungry, so I figured I'd just make something to eat.

I finished creating a turkey sandwich, and got out of my dorm, and walked outside.

It looked like storm clouds were brewing... damnit. The rain would interfere with my ability to detect humans by the water in their body.

That would just make this harder... just more if a way to prove myself.

I didn't like my odds. My opponent might be stronger than me, and now, I'm at a major disadvantage.

But still, if I did win, that would just mean that my reputation would grow faster... saying I didn't die.

Later into the night...

Holy shit, I'm actually doing this. I thought to myself.

I was currently riding on a train to a city cloaked with darkness.

Once the train stopped, I got out, and it was still raining. I don't know how this was going to go.

I can't die now... right?

Questions later, I need to go find this guy.

I walked around until I heard laughing, so I went over there, and saw a green haired man standing over a blonde haired girl.

"Get her, boys!" The man cackled.

I activated my ability, and created a gun of water, and shot both of the men going to defile the poor lady.

She looked to be only in her teens... I'm not going to let this happen. Not a teenager. Not anyone.

These men were here to... I can't say that. I don't want to think about that.

"The fuck- boy! Who the hell are you and what do you think you're doing?!" The man yelled, his eyes growing a light green as he sent two blasts of wind in my direction.

The girl ran away from the scene, which made me incredibly thankful.

I returned my weapon to water, and created a shield of water to block the wind rushing at me.

I created a knife of water, and charged at the man.

He just got more frustrated and threw another large gust of wind at me, which I easily dodged by jumping to the right.

I felt a sharp pain in my left leg, though, and I realized someone had just used some sort of beam ability and struck my leg.

I'd ha to end this quickly then, otherwise, I'd be dead.

I tried to sense some human within a certain radius of me, but this damn rain! I can't even sense a thing with all this distortion!

The man charged another beam of wind towards me, and I blocked it by using another barrier of water.

Then I used the shield as a beam to strike the man, but he dodged it.

But what he didn't dodge was the whirlpool of water I trapped him in.

I threw it up in the air and then threw it down, repeatedly.

I released the water, and saw that he was covered in blood, but still alive.

I then looked up to the rooftops of the building, but saw a green beam shoot from my right, striking my hand.

I created a platform of water and went up the buildings, but I couldn't see anyone.

Then a shot grazed my left shoulder. And then, someone struck my left arm.

I didn't want to have to, but there's only one more move I can really use.

I had never used it before, but I knew I had it somewhere within me to bring it out and unleash the power that rainfall can bring.

End of Part 4

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