Part 7 (Rewritten)

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Beginning in 3rd Person POV cause once again, WHY NOT

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Remi yelled, running over to the bloodied figure in front of her, as he lay face-down on the ground.

He was still breathing, it would be fine, it would be fine, it would be fine.

She picked him up in her arms, and ran as fast as she could out of the dorm.

No no no, what happened?!

"Hey, I didn't- shit, is he alright?!" John yelled, going over to Remi.

"I-I don't know, he was unconscious in his dorm!" Remi said, with the concern in her voice growing with every word.

Damnit... what the hell did you do this time? John thought. And his aura... it's weaker.

They ran to the infirmary, and Doc was already screaming at the top of his lungs.

"WHATTHEFUCKYOUPIECESOFSHIT- oh, the fuck happened to him? He came in here yesterday and seemed fine." Doc said.

"P-please, help him! Something's wrong!" Remi stuttered.

No shit... John thought.

"Put him in the back, I'll be there in a moment." Doc said, sipping his morning coffee.

Remi laid him down in one of the infirmary beds, and sat in a chair next to it.

"Hey, I have to go, I need to work on that project, and there's a good chance Sera will murder me if I don't get back within fifteen minutes." John said, running out of the infirmary.

"Sera"? Huh, they sound close. Remi thought.

Doc walked in, with his usual gloomy look, and sighed.

"You kids never fucking stop getting in trouble, do you?"

Switch back to 1st Person

"Where- *cough*- am I?" I mumbled to myself.

I felt like shit... and all I could see was... pink?

I never expected hell to be pink, but whatever. I guess Satan has his own standards, too.

"You're alive!" Someone cried as my hearing started to come back to me.

I'm so confused... so apparently, I'm in a pink hell, and someone's saying I'm alive. This is so fucking confusing. I thought.

I slowly sat up, and noticed the pink that covered my eyes had fallen to my lap.

"R-... Remi?" I exclaimed.

Tears were flowing from her eyes while her embrace slightly choked me.

But I still couldn't sense anyone. Damnit. What the hell had those bastards at that city done to me?

"Hey, Remi, move for a second, please..." I coughed in between a few words.

She slowly backed away, and my eyes glowed bright. I activated my ability, and noticed everything felt significantly... weaker.

THUNDERSTORM (RemiXM!Reader) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now