Part 16 (Rewritten)

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I hate bugs

Every single one of them

I don't care if they're how we're alive (because of the food chain), they can go die

Also know how I said "WE hAvE rEaChED tHe HaLFWaY mArK"?

Yeah that's probably a lie, this might have 25-30 chapters idk yet

I'll end it when I feel like I've reached a good ending (Apparently, that's next chapter)

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"So what do you want to do now?" I asked her.

"What if we go back to my dorm to try to figure out some ideas with the bullying problem?" She asked.


The bullying situation and nothing else, me. Don't even fucking think about it.

Later that night

She opened the door to her dorm, and the first thing I heard was yelling.

"YOU BROKE MY PEN, YOU BASTARD!" One of the voices yelled.


"Guys! Calm down!" Remi yelled.

We walked in, and I saw a red haired kid and orange haired kid looking quite aggravated at each other.

"Sorry, (Y/N), these two can get really annoying at times." Remi sighed.

"Huh? Remi, who is this?" The red haired kid asked.

"Oh! Blyke, this is (Y/N), he's the king here right now." Remi smiled.

"You're the king? I doubt it." The kid named 'Blyke' said.

Remi gave me a look saying "Don't argue over it.", so I stayed quiet.

"Come on, Remi, Arlo is almost unbeatable. Only person here who easily beats him is Seraphina."

Remi then gave me another look, which said, "Argue over it."

In about three seconds, I quickly summoned a blade of water, and pinned Blyke to the ground, while disabling both his arms. I held the dull knife of water to his neck, and he started back at me in shock.

The orange haired kid scrambled away, and Remi tapped my shoulder.

I deactivated my ability, and let go of Blyke. Then, we all had a conversation on the bullying issue.

Present time, at [unknown location]

"Sir, it looks like the new guy has hit an obstacle. What should we tell him?"

"Don't let anything get in his way. We're destroying that bitch one way or another."

Present time, at Remi's dorm

While Remi was still speaking, a large BOOM! could be heard near Wellston.

We all turned to the window, and saw smoke rising from some houses.

THUNDERSTORM (RemiXM!Reader) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now