Part 14 (Rewritten)

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I'm currently at a concert while I'm writing this, and holy shit I never knew jazz was this good

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I woke up, hearing the rustle of crickets and trees swaying in the moonlit sky. My head was in utter pain, and my arms were extremely sore.

I was laying down on a bench in what appeared to be Wellston's front yard, and there were small birds around me. I don't remember how I ended up on Wellston's bench, but I remember telling someone, "Get out of my way."

I didn't remember what the hell happened, but I assumed it would come back to me eventually.

How long was I out here for...?

Each step I took my legs just wanted to give out more, but after what seemed to be ten minutes, I made it to my dorm room.

I fell limp onto my bed, and eventually I fell asleep.

The next morning...

I woke up to screaming, and what seemed to be people fighting.

I opened my window, and saw two kids beating up a pink and red haired girl and a blue haired kid.

I jumped out through the window, and walked over to the fight, activating my ability.

Memories of yesterday were starting to flow into my mind, and when I actuvated my ability, I felt in control this time.

"Get away from them." I said.

"What are you gonna do about it? You're just some pathetic low tier-"

This would be good for a 'ten seconds before disaster' video.

I created a knife out of water, and sliced at the air. A flying blade of water hit him, and he was pushed back into a tree.

"You just have some moving ability, you can't do shit-" The other said with a smirk, before I rushed at the girl pinning her down, and holding the blade at her neck.

"Don't do this. Please." I asked, with a violent glare.

"What? Scared? That's just gonna bounce off me, you pathetic loser!" She laughed.

"Do this bullshit one more time and you'll never get the opportunity to do something else ever again." I said, striking the ground next to her.

It unleashed cracks all over the front yard of Wellston, and the girl shrieked in horror.

"Don't test me." I said, walking away.

The girl ran away in horror, and the other two looked at me and said, "Thank you!"

I turned around, and said nonchalantly, "Sure."

My eyes slowly faded back to their normal hue, and something popped up in my mind.

I remember some kids in the halls muttering about how "that sexy pink haired girl's birthday was on the 27th", and I assumed by that they meant Remi.

Maybe I should get her a gift... Even if I know she doesn't have any of those interests in me.

I sighed, and walked down the street to John's house. For some reason, he refused to live in the dorms, and it was probably better, honestly, because at least every 2 in the boys' dorms wouldn't try to attack him.

I knocked on the door, and a muffled voice yelled, "Come back later!"

I don't want to break his door... wait a minute, could I...

I thought for a moment- if Seraphina could stop time and move to essentially teleport, then couldn't I just turn into water and essentially go through anything? Maybe, maybe not, but I'm gonna try it anyways.

It took me months to learn how to actually be able to use the water I created into objects, like knives, and guns, but, it felt like my ability mastery went up by a lot, so I might as well try it.

Focus, focus, focus... imagine yourself as a ball of water...

After a few minutes of failed attempts, I managed to turn my right arm into water, but nothing else. I had my water arm go through the door and unlock it from the outside, and surprisingly, it worked.

I walked in, and saw a punching bag, a surprisingly clean kitchen, and a book on a table, titled 'UNORDINARY'.

The same book I read only a few years ago. The same book I said was crazy. The same book I said was pointless. The same book that led me to becoming a vigilante.

I sat on a couch, and picked it up, and skimmed through a couple of pages.

I absolutely hated the media for having banned this book, because it really shows how fucked up the world is. The earth that we all live on really has just taken a turn for the worst.

Maybe the 'aliens' that may be out there on other planets in outer space were just sane humans. This world is just a hierarchy- the strong best up the weak, and the weak can't even trust each other.

I know that me and John had the same goal- to get rid of the hierarchy standards we all live by. I knew two teenagers couldn't just change the way every human on this earth lives, so I'm going to need something to make my own selfish dream come true-


End of Part 14



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I'll see myself out-

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