Part 10 (Rewritten)

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I wish you a merry September 18th

Also why do Jelaine stories exist

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Last night

"We got a location on the guy, when do you want to launch it?"

"Hm... we'll just send our new guy in two days."

Present time

I was running to where I heard the explosion. I activated my ability, and I could hear Remi scream my name as I took a left where smoke was coming from.

I know right now, I may only be a 3.5, but that's not going to stop me from protecting people.

I could see masked people who looked like they had strong abilities... maybe they were 5.0s?

"HEY!" I yelled at one of them.

"The fuck- oi! Get 'em!" The man yelled.

One of them had what looked to be a fire ability, so that may not be a problem.

The other one seemed to have an ability relating to.... shadows? I've never heard of an ability that could manipulate shadows.

That means he could appear behind me, great.

The man with the fire ability had a name tag that said Pyro and the man with the shadow ability had a name tag that said Shadow Stalker.

Pyro fired a beam of fire at me, which I easily put out by putting up a shield of water.

The man with the shadow ability appeared behind me and attempted to punch my back, but I put up a type of porcupine defense barrier and all he did was stab himself.


I knew I may have been winning now, but that wouldn't last long. These guys were definitely stronger than me and it was only a short amount of time before I used my ability too much.

I felt a weird wave of something for less than a second, then heard a scream of agony as the two people fell to the ground.

"Has anyone ever told you you're weak?" Seraphina asked.

"Actually, yes, it was you." I replied.

"Well I'm damn right." She scoffed.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" Remi ran up behind me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where's John?" I asked.

"I think he went to get help back from school!" She said.


"Hey! Hey! This girl beat up Pyro and Shadow! G-get her!" A fat man stumbling back said.

"Give me one of your water knives." Seraphina said to me.

"Here you go." I tossed a blade of water to her.

I felt that same weird wave again, then watched as Seraphina reappeared in a completely different spot.

She really is the Goddess everyone makes her out to be... she's incredibly strong. Still, she's not as cute as Remi.

"You can have your knife back now." Seraphina appeared in front of me.

"Thanks." I said, absorbing the water from the blade.

The entire time, Remi just stayed by my side. I don't know why exactly, but I'm not going to complain.

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