Part 15 (Rewritten)

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Yesterday, September 27th, was Remi's birthday

Okay so I may have been lazy and meant to publish it yesterday but there's some shitty thing called life

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After about ten minutes, I could hear John walk out of his bedroom muttering something.

"How'd you get in?" He asked.

"I unlocked the front door from the outside." I activated my ability, and showed him how I turned my arm into water.

"So you can manipulate your own body into water and go through solid objects... interesting." He mumbled.

I deactivated my ability, and sighed.

"So today is Remi's birthday, and I don't know what to give her." I sighed.

"Why the hell do you think I know? Just hang out with her or something." He said.

That's the problem... I don't want to just waste her time.

"Okay, I'll see you later." I got up, and walked out.


I closed the door, and walked back to my dorm.

The only problem I had is that clearly there were people more important to her than me. I created a small handgun out of water, and just shot a tree out of anger.

Damnit... just when I thought I was getting somewhere.

My steps became slower, and I found of myself stopping abruptly in the middle the sidewalk. I continued to walk, until I was running faster than I could even process where I was going.

My legs soon gave out, and I was already back at Wellston. I slowly walked back to my dorm, until I found another bullying incident.

"You never fucking stop, do you?" I angrily walked to the person bullying the crying one laying on the ground.

"You're the reason the world is as fucked up as it is."

Those were the last words she heard before being blasted into the wall.

She fell down and coughed up blood, and ran at me, yelling, "YOU LITTLE BITCH! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THAT-"

"Don't fucking waste my time." I held a blade of water at her neck.

Her hands that looked like some sort of demon claws swiftly stabbed me, but the area in which she stabbed me instantly turned into water, which apparently just made the attack useless.

"Fucking piece of shit."

I slammed her into the ground, with blood flying out of her mouth and concrete breaking underneath her.

The people like you just deserve to burn in fucking hell.

I punched her face more times than I wanted to count, and for a final hit, I grabbed her bloodied face and smashed it onto my knee. When I was done with my tantrum, I stared at my hands are her face. If there wasn't blood and hair nearly everywhere on her face, it'd then be covered in bruises.

It was horrifying. Her jawbone was clearly broken, amd my hands were covered in her blood.

I deactivated my ability, and walked off in horror.

"W-what the fuck am I doing?" I said with hazy eyes.

I ran to my dorm, and looked around.
Apparently, I left the door open again, and noticed that someone left a note on my floor.

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