Part 13 (Rewritten)

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Hope you're having a nice week :)

If it's Sunday and 11:59, I still don't know what to say to you

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"I think I'll name him Cloud." Remi said.

"That sounds like a nice name, Remi." I lightly smiled.

It was a little cold in the September air, but still not enough for anyone to be forced to wear a jacket.

The slight chill of the air felt nice- and something that kept me warm was the short girl with bright pink hair sitting next to me.

Soon, the abrupt sound of a phone being called broke our awkward silence, and Remi pulled out her phone from her pocket and there was a call from a name "Isen".

"Isen? What's wrong?" Remi asked.

I couldn't hear what 'Isen' was saying on the phone, but Remi looked pretty shocked.

"What?! I'll be there in a few minutes!" She said frantically as she put her phone back into her pocket.

Cloud woke up from his short nap, and Remi stood up and continued to hold him close to her.

"(Y/N), one of my friends was attacked by EMBER, so I have to go." She said.

Damnit. Them again. I swear... one way or another...

The fountain in the center of the park was bursting with water, and it sprayed several people within the nearby area.

If they ever manage to hurt someone close to Remi again... I'll get rid of them from this planet. If they ever hurt Remi herself... I don't care if I die, I'm going to fucking kill all of them.

My mind was racing with thoughts of anger, but for some reason I felt another emotion- fear. Fear of what they could've done to her friend. Fear of what they could do to her.

I'm not going to live in a world knowing she's in constant pain. I'm going to make those damn bastards pay- even if the price is my life. My hands were shaking with anger, and I looked up to see Remi had left for the dorms.

But something was weird- there was this odd sense that I could feel something, and when I focused on it, I noticed it-

I'm back to being a high tier. I could sense the water that built the people around me, and the flow of water from the fountain.

I stood up, and my eyes were glowing more violently than before. I'm going to get rid of those damn EMBER agents one by one, until I know they don't exist.

Even in my head, I could already hear news reporters saying "The vigilante 'Midnight' strikes again", and whatever other bullshit they came up with.

I walked back to my dorm filled with anger, and I noticed two people harassing a woman that were trying to steal her purse.

I walked over to them with the boom of my footsteps getting louder with each step I took, until I was staring the two men with smug smiles on their face.

"Who the hell are you, kid? You should get lost, your mommy ain't here to save you now- AUGH!" He yelled.

I fired a beam of water straight at him which launched straight into a concrete wall.

"Don't fucking test me." I angrily said.

He coughed up blood, and the other ran away in fear.

"Those two won't bother you anymore, ma'am." I said, walking off.

No, no, no, no, you idiot, stop it. You're just repeating what he did. Don't do this, stop it, stop it, STOP IT, DAMNIT!

I fell on my knee, and noticed my vision going blurry.

"Damnit." I mumbled.

I stood back up, and my vision became clearer.

Each step became harder to take, and I couldn't figure out why. I don't understand, what the hell is wrong?

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, and when I opened them, all I saw was utter darkness, and a figure with black hair.

I fell back, and regained my vision that surprisingly wasn't blurry.

I embedded my fist with water, and slammed it down onto the concrete ground.

Unfortunately for the concrete that probably already had a bad enough day, I completely shattered it. Oops.

I stood up, and deactivated my ability. I don't know what's going on. What the hell is happening?

Hopefully Remi's friend is okay. I'm sure they mean a lot more to her than they do to me. I eventually reached Wellston's gate, and saw Arlo, the previous king, standing in front of me.

"I'd like to challenge you for the title of-"

"Not right now." I said.

"Tsk." He activated his ability, creating a barrier around himself, walking towards me with the same smug smile those two bastards from earlier had.

"Please, don't do this. Now now." I activated my ability, and my eyes grew into a deep hue of ocean blue. But the glow was wavering. Almost like crashing waves.

"The king should always be eager to fight." Arlo said.

"The king shouldn't kill." I mumbled.

"Whatever do you mean? Clarify." He said.

"I'm not going to sit here and have a conversation a with you."

"Why the angry face? Something wrong?" He said.

"Get out of my way." The glow around my eyes was almost blinding me. I was so angry my own aura was working against me.


Using my ability, a human figure made out of water appeared behind him inside the barrier. The figure's hand morphed into a blade, and stabbed his arm. Arlo fell to the ground, staring at the blood trickling down his forearm.

I walked past him, deactivating my ability. I sat on a bench under a tree in Wellston's front yard, and let my vision turn dark- the last thing I remember is hearing my head fall against the wood of the bench.

End of Part 13

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