Part 8 (Rewritten)

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Hey... guys... do you ever just wake up and wonder... "Where the FUCK is my waifu!?"

• • •

I awoke from my sleep, and rubbed my eyes. I still could feel Remi hugging my side, which caused me to blush.

Seraphina appeared to be awake, and John was asleep on the ground. I assumed Seraphina just threw him on the floor, it was honestly a lot more likely than I'd want it to be.

"Good morning, idiot." Seraphina threw a plastic cup filled with water at me.

"Good morning to you too." I rolled my eyes, stopping the water before it could hit me, and let it fall onto the ground.

"Whatever, I'll wait for that bastard to wake up and then I'm leaving." She said, sitting back on the couch.

I was going to make a joke out of Wellston's Rank One and the school "cripple" sleeping together, but I valued my life.

Much to my disappointment, I still couldn't sense water, which meant I'm still not a high tier yet.

"Damnit, what happened?" I mumbled to myself.

There must have been something that hit me then. The energy beams must have had something in them.

I looked at a clock that was conveniently placed above my counter, and it was about nine. It was a Saturday though, so there weren't classes.

Remi's breathing felt like the melody of a song, a song that was graceful, and soft... like a variation of a waltz, maybe.

Seconds, minutes, and finally an hour passed, before Remi slowly woke up.

She rubbed her eyes with her right hand, and looked around. Eventually, she sat up, and mumbled to herself about a... pillow?

I was staring at her while a deep red color started to color my face, and then she looked at me.

"A-ah... good morning?" I nervously laughed.

"H-how long was I doing that?" She stuttered, speaking in a high-pitched voice.

"All night." I said.

She jumped back a little, and her face was blushing intensely.

"I... I'm sorry about that." She said.

"It's fine, Remi." I smiled. "As long as you were comfortable..." I continued to mumble.

Luckily, I don't think she heard that last part. I hope she didn't, anyways.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"About ten." I told her.

"Okay." She said.

She slowly moved over next to me, and looked at the ceiling.

Her shoulder was touching my own, as I tried not to blush. Her face was also quite red, and her pink hair was flowing down the cushion of the couch.

"Is there anything you'd like to do today?" She broke the awkward silence.

"U-um... we could go to the mall." I said.

"Okay, I'll meet you here in an hour then, let me just get ready! Bye!" She had a large smile on her face.

"Bye." I returned a soft smile.

"Hey, Sera! Do you want to go to the mall-" John said, before getting a cup of water thrown at him.

"No." She said. "Anyways, that's my cue to leave. Bye, idiots." And she left.

John sighed, and sat down next to me.

"You two would be cute together." I said.

"So would you and that girl." He smirked.

"H-hey! It's not like that! We're just friends... yeah, just friends."

"Anyways, I'm dragging Sera to the mall one way or another, so I'll see you in an hour." He said.

"See you later." I waved.

He closed the door behind him, and I stood up. I walked to the bathroom and combed my messy hair, then went to take a shower.

And yes, I could just do the same thing with my ability, but I can't actually determine the temperature.

Hot showers are better than room temperature showers. Unless it's like, three in the afternoon during summer.

I made that mistake once, and I got several burns across my body. Not necessarily what I'd call a "fun experience".

I just used my ability to dry myself off, by just absorbing the excess water.

That was always a nice plus of my ability, being able to dry myself if water got on me at will.

Unfortunately, that does not work for coffee that would spill on one's shirt... another mistake I've made once.

I didn't feel hungry for breakfast, so I just drank a glass of water.

I put on some casual clothes, just a collared T-shirt and jeans.

I sat on my couch, and noticed I didn't charge my phone last night, so it was near dead.

Maybe I could get Remi to charge it, who knows.

Remi... that name might stay in my head for the rest of my life.

End of Part 8

Sorry this chapter came out a little late and is short, but I either published it now or around eight tonight

So I just sat in a classroom for forty minutes straight just for someone to tell us she was sick

I'm not complaining but COME ON YOU COULD'VE TOLD US EARLIER

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