Part 5 (Rewritten)

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So, because of my (really efficient and hard-working) brain, I came to the conclusion that there were multiple people here... all with the same ability.

Either that, or they had some guns, but they'd need suppressors for that.

Right now, I had one move left, that I didn't want to use.

I knew that once I used it, I would definitely fall to the ground and be incredibly tired, but either that or death. I didn't really like the choice of death for some reason.

My eyes shone even brighter as I used my final trick- spreading waves in all directions.

Oh, but don't worry, these waves could easily break bones.

I released the water and I felt numb for a second, until I heard grunting and screaming coming from the rooftops.

They wouldn't die from the pain, but it would still probably make them extremely cautious of water.

I fell to the ground, my eyes slowly going dim in the moonlight.

I hit the ground with an audible crack, but I stood up nonetheless.

My back felt incredibly painful, and I limped towards where I had left the man with the wind ability.

He was gone. Fuck. I let him escape. I took off my bloody clothes in a dark alley and changed, then went to the nearest train station and payed for a ride back to Wellston.

I can't believe I would do something so stupid.

Now he'll be back on his own tyrannical throne. All because I couldn't deal with a little pain.

Damnit, (Y/N)!

I stood up, my legs trembling, and knew I overexerted myself.

Right now, I want to sleep more than anything. The train came through the dark tunnel with a high pitched echo, and I walked in.

I sat down, and clenched my fist.

It was shaking, but not out of pain, it was out of anger. Not anger for my enemies, anger for myself.

I didn't save anyone. Why? Why was I so weak? I didn't make any changes. I didn't fix anything.

All I really did was just make myself a target.

Damnit... what would've John done? Heh, he would've just completely destroyed those guys.

I need to improve with my ability... there's one person I can go to that will help me with that.

After arriving at Wellston...

I stretched my arms, and realized they still hurt like hell.

I walked towards the school gates, and realized it was sunrise.

Holy shit, I had been gone for over three hours.

I ran as fast as I could back to the dorms, but I saw Remi walking around the school's front area.

What the fuck is she doing awake?! Classes aren't until like, what, two hours?!

I tried to sneak my way around the walls, but ultimately failed. She saw me, and ran towards me.

Fuck, shit, crap, GODDAMNIT-

"Hey! Where have you been? I've been looking for you for about fifteen minutes now." She said.

"U-uh, I was, uh, at a animal shelter." I blurted out.

She looked at my arms and legs, and noticed the red that stained my clothes.

"Oh! Aha, a few of the cats, um, bit me." I said, laughing nervously.

"You weren't at an animal shelter. Where were you, (Y/N)?" She asked, her voice breaking and head lowering.

".... I was out in a small city fighting some bad people." I sighed.

There really was no reason to lie to her, right? It was clear that I had gotten into a fight of some sort.

"W-why... why do none of my friends tell me anything... f-f-first it was Blyke, now it's you... w-why can't any of you just tell me anything?!" She said through tears.

"I... I'm sorry, Remi. I was just doing what I thought was right." I sighed, looking down at the grass.

My eyes clouded, and I took shaky breaths. I don't know what to do in this situation.

I never have. I've never known what to do when my friends cry in front of me.

Because I don't know if those are tears of joy, regret, sadness, anger, or embarrassment, so I could always easily do the wrong thing.

But... now is different. It's not that I didn't know what to do, it's that there's nothing I could do.

I've made good decisions and bad decisions, we all have, that's something every human being on this planet earth can relate to.

And right now, I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Do I comfort her? Do I walk away? Do I just fall to my knees and accept defeat?

I just... I don't know what to do. I don't know what I even can do.

Right now... with my friend crying in front of me, life felt like I was at a thunderstorm at sea.

The thunder crackling through the ocean, the raindrops pouring on me, and the gusts of wind swaying our boat.

I was trapped in a thunderstorm... and I didn't know the way out.

All I know is the way I got here.

End of Part 5

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