Part 3 (Rewritten)

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How's your day going?

• • •

"I'm... sorry for ripping off the paper-" I began, but she just cut me off.

"It's f-fine. It's not your fault... th-that he's- he's dead.." She wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

"Is there anything you want me to do for you?" I asked, feeling somehow even more guilty.

"No... I'll be fine. I'll avenge his death." She said, walking off slowly clutching to the piece of paper.

What does that- no- she can't actually mean that she's going to become a- damnit, I'm probably going with her now.

I know that it may have been creepy, but if Remi actually went out and did it... I was going to follow her. She was going to die if she crossed EMBER.

I walked up to the roof, and saw John and Seraphina talking.

"Who the hell are you?" Seraphina said, probably trying to be intimidating.

"Uh, I'm the new king and uh-"

I could feel the water that was in her body move, so I created a barrier of water around myself.

"Stop lying. No one could beat Arlo." She said, punching my shield.

"I really don't have the time for this, so please stop-" I said.

"Don't fucking lie to me. You're not the king." She said, punching my shield again.

"I'm not lying. Go ask that guy himself if you don't believe me." I said.

"SERAPHINA! HE'S THE KING!" John yelled.

About time you bi-

"I don't believe either of you." She appeared behind me.

I created a knife made out of water, and blocked the punches she threw at me. Occasionally, my knife would graze her arm or leave a scratch on her knuckles.

She rewinded the damage, and punched me in the back of the head after appearing behind me.

"Damnit." I mumbled.

She punched me against a gate, and continued to punch me leaving blood on my clothes.

I used one last trick, and got rid of a small portion of the water in her body.

She flinched, and stepped back.

"W-w-what did you- do to me?" She coughed.

"BYE!" I waved, jumping off of the building and riding down a wave of water.

I gave her back the water she lost. Soon, I tumbled on the ground, and ran into the building.

Holy shit, she's crazy.

I could see Remi talking to a red-haired individual... all I could assume to be her boyfriend.

She was yelling at him for something, and I just passed them and tried to find wherever the infirmary was.

"Wait- (Y/N)?! What happened?!" Remi screamed.

"Oh, uh, nothing much. The queen just tried to murder me." I sighed, turning around, my bloody forehead, chest, and arms showing.

"W-why would she.." She began.

"Well, she didn't believe I was the new king... anyways, don't worry about it, I'll be fine." I walked back down the hall.

Remi just looked down, and continued to talk to the red-haired person.

"Where is this damn infirmary?" I muttered.

Eventually, I finally came across a door which had a sign next to it saying "Infirmary", so I assumed it was the infirmary. To everyone's surprise, it was the infirmary.


I walked in, and his eyes were furious.

"What the hell happened to you... and I haven't seen you here before, what's your name?" The man asked.

"It's (Y/N), nice to meet you. Sorry I couldn't meet when I wasn't kinda bloody." I nervously laughed.

"Alright, just sit in the back I'll be there in a second." He sighed.

I sat on one of the infirmary beds, and looked up. The ceiling lights were shining in my eyes, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

I could feel the flow of water running through the sewer beneath the building, and because the human body is mostly consisted of water, I could easily sense humans.

And because I can manipulate water, I can easily kill someone if I'm not careful by absorbing all of the water in their body.

I tend not to use it for lethal purposes, or that much at all. But earlier... Seraphina seriously wanted to kill me, so I used it.

I looked back down, and sighed. My eyes flashed from staring at an object too bright, but I still didn't pay much attention to it.

I wondered what John was doing right now... probably getting beat up by the queen.

I had to get stronger, I need to.

But I want to help people.. and become stronger, right? In my mind right now, there was only one way to do both.

I have to becomee a vigilante.

Whether that was smart or stupid didn't matter to me, something was bringijg me to become a vigilante.

Maybe it was my sense of justice, or maybe it was the evil around me...

Either way, my mind was made up.

End of Part 3

Sorry this chapter is shorter, I just couldn't find a better place to end it off

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