Part 9 (Rewritten)

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Have a good day! :)

If it's 11:59, I don't know what to say to you

Also I plan on rereading unO because it might give me more inspiration for both of my stories

• • •

I heard a knock on my door, so I stood up, and walking to the entrance of my dorm.

"Hey, Remi, you- oh, sorry, uh, who are you?" I asked, the man in front of me wearing glasses covering blue eyes.

"Hello! You're... (Y/N), correct?" He asked.

"Yes, that's me." I said.

"Ah, I just came here to check if you've moved in, and all." He said.

"Oh, sure, come in." I opened the entrance door wider.

He walked in and looked around, and smiled. "Yep, everything looks good."

"Okay." I subconsciously nodded.

"Well then, I'll see you some other time, (Y/N)." He walked out into the hallway.

"Bye." I waved.

I sighed in relief, and activated my ability.

How can I get this stupid thing to come back faster?! I mentally yelled.

I created a water grenade, and threw it at the wall. It exploded upon impact, leaving that entire side of room drenched with water.

One of the reasons my ability was so high was because of it's amazing diversity.

I could create barriers, knives, daggers, swords, grenades, guns, and even RPGs.
I made an RPG once in second grade and... let's just say the teacher wasn't very happy.

Water could become anything I wanted it to be, and that made it (from what most people said) amazing.

"Hey, (Y/N)! I'm ready!" A cheerful voice came from my door. I guess I forgot to close it.

I turned around, and saw Remi wearing a pink T-shirt and white shorts. I almost blushed at seeing her in it, but somehow I kept myself from doing so.

I walked out to the door where Remi was standing, and we walked down the hallway.

I could hear Remi mumble something to herself, and it sounded to have three syllables... whatever, it was probably something personal.

We walked down the stairs to the entrance of the building, and I could see John and Seraphina standing at the gates.

Wow, she must be incredibly patient to be able to put up with him...

"Hey, (Y/N)! I managed to get Sera to go." John smiled, walking over to me.

"I'm surprised a cripple is able to drag Rank One practically everywhere." I chuckled, putting a little emphasis on "cripple".

"Sometimes, I surprise myself too, honestly... anyways, come on! There's a mall waiting for us!" He said, running outside of the school gates.

"Come on, (Y/N)!" Remi smiled, running in front of me. I followed behind her, while lightly smiling.

Seraphina looked disgusted and muttered something about "childish behavior", and continued to walk with us.

• • •

We entered the mall, and me and John were extremely surprised by how big the building was.

There were at least five floors, and a lot of different shops inside of it.

"Where do you want to go, Remi?" I asked.

"Nowhere in particular." She said.

I looked at John, and he shrugged. I looked in the direction of where Seraphina was, only to realize she was entering a clothing store.

"Guess we have to follow her.." John mumbled.

We walked into wherever Seraphina was, and there were a lot of clothing items.

John went over to where Seraphina was, and Remi just walked around with me.

I didn't really need any clothes right now, so Remi just walked around asking me what looked nice, what didn't, what was overpriced, and what was riddled with expensive fabrics and even gems.

I could see John carrying a really large amount of clothes, and Seraphina was continuously throwing more at him.

Eventually, Remi chose two shirts, and we walked over to the line where people were paying for whatever the heck they wanted to buy.

Soon, it was our turn, and Remi have the person the two pieces of clothing, and then she opened her purse.

"Here, ma'am." I told the lady, giving her the amount of money that the two clothes were.

"Thank you, you two lovebirds have a good day now!" She said.

I flinched at hearing that word, and replied in a soft voice, "A-ah, we're friends." But even I knew that I wanted our relationship to develop further.

But really? She was a 5.5, so I'm sure there were other people that were interested in her, so I didnt want to get in the way of that.

I was fine as friends, even if I wanted more.

"Hey, you didn't have to..." Remi said, with a red face.

"I wanted to, it's fine." I smiled.

"(Y/N)... I think that- I think that I-"

The rest of her sentence was drowned out by the sound of a large explosion, and I could hear people screaming and others running.

"RUN!" Someone shouted.

Smoke was coming in through the halls of the building, and John and Seraphina ran over to us.

John... don't. Don't use it.

"Come on, Remi." I said, activating my ability.

"(Y/N)! But your ability-"

"That doesn't matter right now, hurry!"

What the fuck is this...?

End of Part 9

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