Part 11 (Rewritten)

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Hope you're having a nice year :)

If it's December 31st, and 11:59 at the time you're reading this, I still don't know what to say to you

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"Um, okay, do you want to meet up at Clouds' Cooking?" She asked.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Bye, I'll meet you there!" She ran down the hallway.

"See you later." I smiled.

I was about to close my door when someone walked in and say on one of the couches I had, and it was John.

"You could've said something." I rolled my eyes.

"I texted you five times that I was coming here now." He said.

I looked at my phone, and there were two missed calls and three text notifications from John. "Oops."

"Anyways, that ability suppressor, it looks like the more you use it the faster you'll get your old power back." He said. "Back at that mall, your aura was slowly getting stronger when you were using your ability."

"Oh... so the more I use it, the faster it'll get back to normal?" I said.

"Looks like it." He shrugged.

"Alright... are there any water-resistant punching bags?" I asked.

"I don't know, you look." He said.

I sprayed his face with water, and he used his ability to spray water at my face.

"I thought you weren't using your ability." I said.

"Around people that don't know it exists." He said.

"Fair enough."

I took out my phone from my pocket, and looked at some stores selling training equipment. The only problem I had was that I didn't want to rip the actual bag too easy, but it didn't really seem like I had too many other options.

I put my phone back into my pocket, and decided I would just get one from the mall when the faint hole in the wall was fixed.

"Anyways, you and Remi are going on a date tonight, right?" John smirked.

"Hey, it's not that!" I exclaimed. "We're just getting dinner."

"That's the definition of a date, you mindless idiot." He sighed.


"So, where are you two going?" John asked.

"Clouds' Cooking." I replied.

"You should get her a gift or something." He said.

"I don't know what she likes!" I said.

Flowers, pets, plants, I don't know, maybe batteries? I mean, she had a lightning ability.

Okay, that last one may be a little stupid.

"What if I get her a dog?" I said.

"Hm... maybe she's a cat person?" He said.

"No no no, we had a fight about this before, and you threw me out the window because I said dogs are better than cats." I said, recalling past events.

"Oh, yeah! I remember that, it was hilarious! You were screaming, and-"

"I'm going to stop you there, I'm going to see if there are any pet shops near here." I said.

"Ah, okay. See you later." He waved.

I went on my phone and searched where the nearest pet shop was, and the first one I found was apparently called 'Pet Life'.

It was a ten minute walk, so I went out of the dorms, and walked there.

Wellston was a nice place. It was definitely a lot livelier than New Bostin.
Eventually, I reached the building which was supposedly a pet shop, and went inside. There were a wide variety of animals: birds, dogs, cats, hamsters, rats, fish, and even ferrets.

There were a lot of different breeds of dogs, but I eventually came across a small white dog sitting down, staring into my eyes.

"Hello sir, do you need help with anything?" Someone in a blue shirt asked me. I was fairly sure that the people with blue shirts worked here, so I asked her, "Could I get this little dog?"

One purchased dog later

I was walking the small dog back to my dorm, as he proudly walked in front of me.

I prayed that Remi would like him, because I absolutely didn't know if she even liked dogs. Right now, it was clear that this would either go terribly wrong, or amazingly good.

Soon, I went back into my dorm, and found John there laying on the couch. The dog immediately jumped on him, and sat there.

"Wha-" He said, before looking at the dog in front of him.

I laughed quietly, and sat down on the other couch, pulling out my phone from my pocket.

John eventually sighed, and asked, "So what are you going to name him?"

"Haven't thought about that yet." I replied. "I might as well just let Remi name him, anyways."

"Okay then." He said, looking at the dog.

"Anyways, I'm going to take a shower." I said.

"Alright, I'm going with Sera to get a drink in thirty minutes, so I'll be heading out." John said.

"Alright, see you later." I told him.

Remi... why do you always manage to stay in my mind?

End of Part 11

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