Part 6 (Rewritten)

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So... who else is going to get six hours of sleep?

• • •

I still stood in front of Remi, and I don't even know what emotion I should be feeling.

Regret? Anger? Sadness? Embarrassment? But I'm doing the right thing, and if I keep believing that, I'll be fine.

If I'm helping people, I'm doing the right thing.

.... Right?

"P-please... I d-don't want to see anyone else d-die..." She choked on her own words.

"Remi... I'm sorry. I'm just doing what I think is right, and if having to help people will require my life... then I'm going to do it." I said.

I feared death, but I feared dying with no one to be there when I die.

Because what's the point of living if not for the friends you make along the way?

I took one more shaky breath,, before finally walking up to Remi and embracing her.

Her tears fell onto my red-stained shirt, and I looked up to the orange sky.

I've never known how to comfort someone because in New Bostin as Jack, nobody really interacted with me, so I didn't have many friends.

And because of that, I had grown to be cautious of showing any sign of fear or sadness in front of people I can call my friends.

And because of that... I didn't know what to do when people showed those emotions in front of me.

Do I share those emotions with them? Do I walk away and not look back?
Do I try to comfort them?

I... I just don't know.

But I guess I'll just have to figure that out.

"Remi... let's go back to our dorms." I said, still resting my gaze on the sky.

"O-okay." She nodded.

I took my arms from around her and put them in my pockets, and she wiped her eyes with her sleeves.

She walked back to the girls' dorms, so I just walked over there as well and waved goodbye, then went back to my own dorm.

She's sure to hate me now.

Well, that's going to be my own fault. It is my fault, and now, there's nothing I can do about it.

Right when I opened the entrance door to the boys' dorms, in the corner of my eye, I could see a green haired individual with a blue jacket and black pants.

That was the man with the wind ability.

I turned around, activating my ability, only to realize that was just a figment of my imagination... no one was standing there.

I sighed, and walked back to my dorm.

Maybe I should just get some rest. I told myself.

I quietly walked up the stairs to my dorm, and went to my room.

It didn't look like anyone was awake (because none of them were moving, which I could see with my ability), which meant I wouldn't scare anyone half to death if I opened a door and it creaked.

I finally made it to my room, and unlocked the door. I just felt like passing out.

I stood up, and got a glass of water, and drank it quickly. I was extremely thirsty for water for some odd reason.

It was probably nothing. But then I started coughing, and my throat felt sore.

What the fuck is this? I thought.

My vision was blurry, and I couldn't sense anyone with my ability.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. I repeated that to myself over and over.

I coughed one more time before falling to the ground. I looked at my arm, and noticed I was coughing up blood.

With what was left of my strength, I punched the ground.

Am I... dying?

Rest of this part will now be in 3rd Person POV because WHY NOT

Like three hours later idk

Huh... this was weird. Why wasn't (Y/N) at school yet? He was always early. Remi thought.

When she saw him this morning, he seemed fine, so what had happened?

"Uh, hi, could I speak to you for a second?" Someone said from behind her.

"Oh- you're (Y/N)'s friend, right?" Remi said, turning around.

"Yep, that's me!" The raven-haired raised his hand.

"What did you want to talk about?" Remi asked.

"Have you actually seen (Y/N) today? I've been calling him and he hasn't answered." John said.

"No, actually. I haven't seen him either." Remi said, with her concern growing.

"Shit." John muttered, slightly throwing his head to the right.

He looked fine... what could be wrong with him? Maybe he just caught a cold, and decided to stay at his dorm. Remi thought.

"I'm going to look around the school, could you go to his dorm?" John said, his once happy voice now turned into a rough and deep voice.

"Okay." Remi nodded.

She ran to the boys' dorms, and noticed tiny blood splatters outside the entrance.

I don't like this...

She ran up the stairs, and looked through all of the doors until she saw one that was open.

And what was there was (Y/N)'s body with blood flowing from his mouth.

End of Part 6

Sorry this one's short, next chapter will be longer

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