** Janet's P.O.V **
I wake up, my head was on Carol's chest. I smile as I nuzzle closer to her, her breathing was very slow. I sigh, she couldn't die on me. She just... couldn't...
"Morning Janet, Carol" Evelyn smiles as she walks out of the room her and Zasha had stayed in
"M...Morning... E..Ev.." I smile
"I heard about Zasha and your argument, she'll cool down soon. She can get a little jealous sometimes" Evelyn encourages me
"N..no.. i..I'm t..the o..one t..that m..messed i..it u..up... I.. d..didn't m..mean.. i..it.." I sigh
"Oh hello Janet" Katrina greets me as she carries Marie into the room.
"M..morning.." I smile
"Is Carol alright..?" Katrina asks as she notices Carol was unconscious
"I..I d..don't k..know.." I sigh
"Come on babe, let's go on a morning walk" Marie smirks at me, she was clearly trying to make me jealous. Well I wasn't going to let that happen.
"Okay..." Katrina hesitately answers as she and Marie leave the house
Zasha comes out of her and Evelyn's room, she glares at me sitting with Carol and walks into the kitchen. A few minutes later Evelyn comes into the living room, she sits next to me. I sigh, why did everyone have to hate me..?
"Are you okay Janet? You don't look too happy" Evelyn asks with a worried expression
"Y..yea.." I lie with a sigh, I didn't want to bother Evelyn with my problems...
"She's lying!" Zasha alerts Evelyn from the kitchen
"Da I know you're not the only one who can tell when people lie!" Evelyn answers
"D..damnet.." I sigh
Evelyn hugs me, I sigh as I lie my head onto her shoulder. Zasha hated me, Katrina hated me, Carol was unconscious... Evelyn was the only person who was still there
"I can get Zasha back to you Janet" Evelyn smiled
"D..don't b..bother... I.. w..want h..her t..to w..want t..to c..come b..back.." I sigh
"Are you sure...?" Evelyn asks
"Y..yea.." I sigh
"Do you want some breakfast? I made you a ham and cheese sandwich" Evelyn smiles
"K..Katrina u..used t..to m..make.. t..those..." I sigh
"I taught her everything she knows about the kitchen" Evelyn answers
"I.. I'm n..not h..hungry.. t..thanks t..though E..ev.." I smile slightly
"Okay, I'll leave it on the side table. I have to go to work, I'll call you on break. If you need anything call me" Evelyn smiles as she grabs her bag and leaves
I grab my phone and click on the love song Zasha had wrote for me a while back, I smile as I remeber it... it made me feel happy...
"🎶 I met you in the dark, you lit me up. You made me feel as though I was enough... 🎶" I heard Zasha singing along to her previous song
"Z..zasha...? A..are y..you..?" I ask
"Singing? Da" Zasha answers as she comes into the room and sits next to me
"S..shouldn't y..you b..be a..at w..work..?" I ask
"I'm taking break" Zasha answers
"W..why..?" I ask curiosly

Don't Play With Me (Book 2, My Mistakes)
FanficKatrina has made some mistakes, and she has made one mistake that Janet just can't forgive. Has she gone back to her old ways once more? Read on to find out how she fixes her mistakes and rekindles her relationship with Janet after the one mistake t...