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Hello everyone!! So um well... I d k why I did this A/N i guess it was bc I want some opinions on some ideas I have....

Idea number 1: I kill Carter, BUT Katrina also dies. Katrina stabs Carter and Carter stabs Katrina...

Idea number 2: Carter punishes Janet in the worst way possible, killing Carol.

Idea number 3: Roger straightens the relationships out by locking two people that are supposed to be in relationships in rooms together

Idea number 4: I end the book here and start on book 3, but then we still wouldn't know what was happening

Idea number 5: I continue to write on this book, then the third book and make this a never ending series :D

Okay now, I want you guys to choose what the next book is about if you want a next book. So have a great day/night/evening wherever you are! -adrien/Misha <3

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