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after topper and i finished the blunt, we found ourselves sitting by the pool with our feet inside and beer cans surrounding us on the ground.

"so wait," topper laughed. "your roommate catches you smoking weed, goes and tell the RA so you flip shit and destroy your dorm room, then your RA comes in, tries to stop you and instead o just stopping, you punch the RA in the face and then your roommate smashes your guitar?"

"yeah," i nodded with a laugh. "it was so fucked dude."

"do you really play guitar?"

"yeah, i was going to college for music." i explained. "i've been writing songs since i was little and i taught myself guitar."

"are you any good?"

"i'd like to think so." i shrugged as i smiled at him.

"maybe you'll play for me sometime?"

"how am i meant to do that without a guitar?"

"right," he laughed.

"hey flirt birds." i heard and looked over, letting topper follow my eyes. i saw rafe, his arm around some girl. "top, i know i'm supposed to be your ride or whatever, but i'm headed out now."

i looked to the girl, narrowing my eyes as she smiled, rubbing her hand across rafe's, now bare, chest.

"i'll give him a ride." i announced. "topper and i were having more fun anyway."

"i see that." he kicked a can. "have fun."

he pulled the girl as i shook my head. i didn't know why i was angry, but i just felt this burning in my chest. i wanted to yank that girl's hair from her head. i had no reason to be jealous, rafe and i were in no means even friends yet, but god there was something about that boy.

"you know he's not going home to sleep with her, right?" topper asked as i looked at him.

"what?" i asked.

"rafe, he doesn't sleep with random girls anymore. he'll take her as far as the backdoor, kiss her on the cheek, thank her for being a pawn and call her an uber home." he explained. "he did it to gracelynn when she first came back from iowa. it just means he's serious about you."

"he thinks that will make me jealous?"

"it's clearly working, i saw that look."

"the fact that he uses random girls in his little games, whether he sleeps with them or not, is dirty and disgusting and i want no part in it." i stated and pushed myself up. "you ready to head out?"

"you're ready to leave?" he asked.

"yeah, i've got to try and get some kind of sleep tonight."

"alright," he pushed himself up. we both dried off our feet with paper towels before sliding our shoes on and making our way to the car. we slid in and i started it up, pulling out of the yard and heading back to my house.

"well," topper said and i glanced at him.

"well what?"

"i'm going to let you know now, that i don't want to be your pawn in rafe's game." he said. "i've played that part in gracelynn's life and in cami's, i'm done being that guy who falls for the girl who ends up loving rafe."

i snorted, "oh please, rafe and i will never happen. my parents would kill me in the most brutal and painful way. they're already on my ass about finding a new college anyway, i'll be gone in the spring again and they'll probably move again, another kid free area. a big white house, not tainted by me."

team effort - rafe cameron 3Where stories live. Discover now