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the next day, i laid in bed and didn't budge, even when my mom came in and tried to get me up for midsummers. i didn't want to go, i didn't want to leave my bed. so she sent JJ in and he got the same response, or i should say, the lack of a response. i just stared out the window as i hugged my pillow. i felt numb, all over my body. i felt stupid, getting my hopes up with rafe. i knew she'd be back, but i let him talk me into the fantasy that she wouldn't.

it was dark now, meaning the party was way underway. i was getting updates from JJ, letting me know everything he was doing. i'm sure he was doing it because he thought it'd make me feel better, but it only made me feel better knowing that he was enjoying it with my mom. he sent me a selfie of them both, smiling wide as they held up peace signs. i smiled softly, but looked in the back, seeing rafe by himself, downing a glass of alcohol.

he was alone, no cami. did that mean she hadn't gone like i thought she did? i clicked on his contact, seeing the tons of missed messages between last night and today, asking me to call him or asking if i was okay, asking if i was coming. and the final one read, "your mom told me you're sick, i know that's not true, come be my dance partner."

i sighed, locking my phone before i looked over my shoulder, seeing my dress hanging from my closet. the moonlight hit the pink at just the right angle, making it look magical. i pushed myself up and over to it, touching it. i took a breath and grabbed it off. i pulled it on my body and quickly did my hair, pinning it up before slipping my heels on. i grabbed my keys and hurried to my car. i went to the building and pulled into a parking space. i walked into the building, pushing through to the back where the dance floor was. it was all lit up with christmas lights. people were dancing, or drinking, talking and laughing. i looked around before i felt some grab my arm. i looked over, seeing topper.

"hey," he said. "you made it."

"yeah," i said. "uh, where's my mom?"

"she's inside, in the kitchen with JJ i think."

"thanks," i nodded and walked inside. i found the kitchen and they both spotted me right away. "hey." i said.

"oh, you look beautiful." my mom kissed my cheek.

"look at these tomatoes." JJ laughed and held one up to my face. "it's cut into the shape of a rose."

"i see," i smiled.

"we should do that at the restaurant."

"yeah, you knock yourself out with that." i snorted.

"what made you come?" my mom asked.

"have you seen rafe?"

"yeah, he said he was headed out back."

"thanks," i nodded and walked back outside. as soon as i stepped outside though, i looked up and my eyes caught him, dancing with cami as they laughed. i felt my heart drop and my body go numb again.

"oh shit," JJ said as he appeared next to me.

"i knew it." i sighed. "god i've got to start listening to my head."

"ainley!" i heard sarah's voice as i watched rafe look over, catching sight of me. i watched his smile fade as i shook my head.

"ains!" he said and hurried after me as i tried to run back inside. he grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "hey, what happened?"

"you're a dick," i said. "how dare you?"

"what are you talking about?"

"you blew up my phone, asking me to still come to this stupid thing. and i finally dragged my ass out of bed and came, and here you are...with her."

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