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later that night after everyone had dessert, my mom pulled out the wine and they all gradually moved outside. JJ and i were in the back, finishing up the dishes with the cooks as my parents went outside to mingle.

"finally," JJ said and placed the last plate on the clean stack.

"we're finished!" i cheered and high fived him.

"is there anything else that needs to be done?" he asked me. i looked over to the chefs and they both shook their heads.

"go," i smiled. "i'm sure katie is waiting for you."

"thanks," he nodded and hurried out. i dried off my hands before hanging the towels to dry. i walked out of the kitchen to the dining area. i started grabbing the chairs, flipping them on the tables. i got to the last table, flipping the last chair before the door opened and i looked up, seeing rafe. he had his hands shoved into his pockets.

"can i help you?" i asked, pushing a fake smile on my face.

"i want to talk to you." he said and i dropped the smile.

"i'm busy." i stated and grabbed the broom, starting to sweep the floor.

"what is your problem?" he asked and moved over, placing his hands on mine. i gripped the broom tighter and looked up at him. "we had a vibe going and then you like freaked after that party."

"why'd you invite me?" i asked, tilting my head as i narrowed my eyes.

"because i wanted you to be there, i wanted to get to know you."

"you were getting to know that other girl pretty well already." i shrugged.

"i told you, i didn't sleep with her."

"you were sharing your coke with her."

"what? you want to share drugs?" he asked before the door opened. we both looked over seeing my mom. she smiled at us, pushing her apron on the hostess stand before stepping out. i looked back to rafe.

"why don't you ask that question a little louder next time?"

"i was joking," he said with a laugh. "weed isn't even that bad a drug, you could be hooked on coke or heroine or meth."

"i'm more of an LSD and molly type of girl." i shrugged as he paused.

"woah, hold on." he said. "i thought it was only weed you bought from barry last night, that's what he told me."

"it was only weed," i told him. "but you don't know who i am rafe. no one does."

"well can i get to?"

"get to what?"

"get to know who you really are."

"why would you want to do that?"

"look, i know you already know about gracelynn and cami." he said. "so what? i loved two girls and they both broke my heart in their own ways, but i'm over it."

"is that what the coke is about?" i asked. "being over it?"

"that has nothing to do with them."

"yes it does, rafe, everyone has something that pushes them to want their high. for you, it's gracelynn and cami."

"if that's the case, then what's yours?"

i scoffed, "yeah, like i'm going to tell you."

"rafe," sarah said as she pulled the door open. we both looked over and she paused. "sorry, i don't mean to interrupt but topper needs a partner in cornhole and no one else wants to play."

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