Episode 2

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Thanks to @galaxerknight for the art cover

Akio: I'm Akio... Akio the hedgehog...

Sonic: Nice to meet you! Akio! So, you live here?

Akio: Well, sort of. This was our secret base.

Sonic: Our?

Akio: Yes... I'm not live alone. I live with my friend, Yuuri. He looks like... *look at Shadow*

Shadow: Why looking at me like that?

Akio: Yuuri looks like you, Shadow...

Sonic: Hmm... Talking about fakers, you look like me but different colors and those white stripes on your spikes. You have Amy's bangs as well and those gold bracelets.

Akio: Y-Yeah... I see... But, who's Amy?

Sonic: Oh, she's our friend. A pink hedgehog.

Akio: Ah...

???: Akio! What's going on down there?

Akio: Ah! N-Nothing!!

???: I'm coming down right now!!

Akio: I said nothing!!

*As Akio was about to hide the two hedgehogs, a black and purple hedgehog quickly ran downstairs.*

???: What's so noisy down here? Are there any enemies to fight?

Akio: N-No... Listen, you don't have to care about this---

Sonic: Hey!!

???: Who's there?! Who dare to hurt my little Akio!!

Shadow: Hmm? Grr... Faker, Faker, Faker!! Everything is Faker!!

Akio: F-Faker!?

Yuuri: Hey, I'm not Faker okay! The name is Yuuri the hedgehog!!

Sonic: Yuuri... You pretty look-alike to Shadow.

Yuuri: Ah... Akio, tell me that this was a dream. I had a dream where we met someone who looks like us...

Akio: *sigh* I hope it was a dream but, it wasn't...

Sonic: Hey, can you let us out so we can talk? We promise that we have no harm against you both.

Akio: Fine... I'll let you two out. We can have some tea too.

*So, Akio let the two hedgehogs out from the cell and they walk upstairs to explain everything and have some tea*

Yuuri: Sonic and Shadow... Chaos Emerald... Master Emerald... Portal... Shrine...hmm... Got it!

Akio: But, we haven't seen any shrine around Amita!

Yuuri: I'm sure there are but we haven't found it yet!

Sonic: So, you guys are willing to help us find it?

Yuuri: Sure!! Don't worry, there's no such thing as robots here. There's a vampire, werewolves, orc, and more...

Shadow: Sounds like we're in a world where fantasy comes to life!

Sonic: This is what Tikal said about dangerous places, I guess...

Akio: Amita is a dangerous place but it's also a beautiful one.

Yuuri: Well, our new adventures start tomorrow!! I'll pack our things before we proceed!

Sonic: Thank you, both of you. So, is there a place for the two of us to stay?

Akio: We have another two empty beds, as far as I remember. It was used for guests but, no one would come to this place.

Sonic: That's okay! We can sleep there tonight. At least, there's a comfy bed...

*Later that night, Akio show them the guest room and the room was so cozy of a sudden. Sonic and Shadow quickly jump into the bed.*

Sonic: Thanks Akio, for the bed! Are we going early in the morning?

Akio: Yeah... Because I have things to do before we left for adventures. So, have a nice sleep.

Sonic: See you in the morning!

*Akio left them and walk to his room. Shadow sits on Sonic's bed, talking about Akio and Yuuri.*

Shadow: *sigh* I had a bad feeling about this...

Sonic: Don't worry, Shadow... I'm sure they'll help us find the shrine easily.

Shadow: That's not what I'm worried about. Look at them... They're almost identical to us.

Sonic: like twins?

Shadow: Well, sort of... Don't you think that they're our reflection from another world?

Sonic: I don't know about this fantasy stuff Shadow but, maybe we can learn about them if you want.

Shadow: I need more information about those two since we're in another world.

Sonic: *kiss Shadow's cheeks* For now, we need to get some rest for tomorrow's adventure.

Shadow: *blushing* You're right... Good night, Sonic.

Sonic: Good night, Shad.

*Next day, morning*

Yuuri: Sonic! Shadow! Wake up!!

Sonic: huh?! Wha?!

Yuuri: It is the time!! Come on wake up!!

Shadow: Grr... What time is it?

Sonic: *yawn* I don't know... Probably 6 am...

Yuuri: Well, it' 4 am...

Sonic: WHAT!? Why do we have to wake up so early!?

Yuuri: That's the rules... Akio always wakes up at a time like this when it comes to adventures. I know you probably don't like it but, rules are rules...

Sonic: I get it! Come on Shadow. Let's get ready...

*Yuuri, Sonic, and Shadow walk outside where Akio is waiting for them.*

Sonic: Morning, Akio! *yawn*

Akio: M-Morning... Sonic, Shadow. Sorry, if it's too early to wake up but this is also a great opportunity for us to start our adventure.

Sonic: That's okay. We understand that! This is your world, right?

Akio: Yeah. Yuuri, are you ready?

Yuuri: ready anytime!

Akio: Let's go, everyone... This gonna be a long journey.

*Akio and the others going south. As they cross the wide valley, Sonic stops for a moment.*

Shadow: *look at Sonic* What's wrong?

Sonic: Shadow... Don't you remember that we lost all 6 Chaos Emerald?

Shadow: Ah... You should tell us in the first place!!

Sonic: It's okay!! We can find the Chaos Emerald while on our way to the shrine!

Shadow: *sigh*

Akio: *looks at Yuuri* Do you know where the checkpoint is, Yuuri?

Yuuri: Oh! I guess we have to walk more 20km until we reach our first checkpoint.

Akio: Good...

Sonic: Hey, Akio. Can you tell us more about Amita while we're walking to the checkpoint?

Akio: Sure... (Hope this is going well...)

*To Be Continued*

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