Episode 28

52 4 0

Akio: We will attack Ambrose on the night of the crescent moon. How many days left Yuuri?

Yuuri: We have only 4 weeks left...

Akio: Okay...

Blake: But, why on the night of the crescent moon?

Akio: I will become Alpha and become more powerful. I hope Ambrose won't destroy every divine stone in this world...

Blake: Me too... His monsters are not normal monsters we have seen in the wild forest.

Yami: That's good... We better trained ourselves then...

Yuuri: Yami!!! How's it going?

Yami: I'm good...

Blake: You know him already too?!!

Yuuri: Yup! Sometimes I would listen to Yami's stories about him and Akio. So, Yami, you said you wanna get trained?

Yami: Oh not me... But three of you. You three need to be trained.

Akio: I don't need training! I woke up early every day! I don't need extra training!

Yami: You're right but your potential is so thin to win. We need stronger...my brother is the ruler of the void. No wonder why he is still alive until now...

Akio: You never told me that you have a brother...

Yami: I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about that but you know it's private...


Yami: Hey! I'm a creature just like you before I was turned into a void...

Yuuri: *look up* Oh no... The crack is getting bigger!

Akio: Yami, what happens if the crack at the sky is...open?

Yami: Well, all monsters from our world can travel between other worlds if we didn't stop the doors of hell...

Yuuri: Then the monsters will going to Mobius!!! We need to stop it quickly!!

Blake: I know! I will be confronted Ambrose and tell him that I will help him! I will try to buy some time to close the doors!

Yuuri: But, you can't do this alone! We're here for you!

Blake: I know this is too risky but we need to act quickly right now!

Akio: Blake, don't be too stubborn! I know we need to but sometimes we need to take it slow for a moment...

Yuuri: Akio... You...

Akio: I know we don't have time but I don't want to have some time to lose friends... Yami, what is your plan?

Yami: Good. The plan is as simple as this...

*After 4 weeks, Akio wings grew back, and become Alpha Vampire once more. Blake and Yuuri are taking as much potion as they needed to a battle. Meanwhile, at Ambrose's mansion.*

Ambrose: Hmm... Where's Blake?

???: Good evening, young master~ How's your sleep?

Ambrose: Oh, I had a nightmare... I dreamed that I hurt Blake with some mysterious dark power. I could feel that was real...

???: Oh... It is real... Don't you remember what happened the night before? You attack him until he fell.

Ambrose: What?! I never do that!! Was it you who do that?!

???: Hahahaha... Fear, not master... I haven't finished him. He must be somewhere out there, looking for help.

Ambrose: HOW COULD YOU---

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