Episode 6

104 5 3

Thanks to @galaxerknight for the art cover 

*The boys wakes up upon a new day of their adventure. Sonic and Shadow going for a hunt while Akio and Yuuri plan their journey.*

Akio: Yuuri, you still remember the day where you said you love me, right?

Yuuri: Yeah... why you asked?

Akio: Well, I never get to answer your questions... Now, it is time for me to give you the answer. I don't have feelings for you in the first place and I thought I couldn't love you until now, I think... I fall in love with you, Yuuri...

Yuuri: *looks at Akio and frowned* Akio, listen... just forget about the questions I told you 5 weeks ago.... I don't care if we're just best friends... It feels weird when you fall in love with me all of a sudden... You're not that type...

Akio: But Yuuri, I feel sorry for not answering your questions and Sonic helps me to feel that way...

Yuuri: He what? What Sonic did to you?! Did he know that you're half-vampire?!

Akio: No, No!! He just, teach me how to... make people fall in love... 

*Akio look at Yuuri with his red eyes glowing and start to pinned Yuuri slowly on the ground. Yuuri look at Akio as if he were mesmerized by him. Yuuri slowly hold Akio's arms and move his head to Akio's ears.*

Yuuri: I love you, Akio...

Akio: I love you too-- *saw Sonic and Shadow out from the forest* Sonic...

Yuuri: huh? *push Akio away and saw Sonic and Shadow walk to them* Oh! You're back! 

Sonic: Yeah and luckily, we found enough food for our journey before we found the second checkpoint!

Shadow: Is everything okay?

Akio: Yeah! We're fine! Let's move on!

Yuuri: *looks at Akio and sighs* (Okay, I'm confused... Did Akio just pinned me down or that's just my illusion? *sigh* What am I even thinking? Akio would never love me... Just forget what I told Akio 5 weeks ago...)

*After 7 hours walking, they finally found the second checkpoint. Sonic and Shadow set up the camp. Akio cook some food for lunch while Yuuri walk into the forest to clear his mind. As Yuuri walks deeper into the forest, he found someone, hunching under the tree. He stops and keep his distance away from the stranger.*

*Suddenly, the stranger make an eye contact with Yuuri and calling him. Yuuri don't have a choice but to confront the stranger. As he gets closer, the stranger wears a black robes along with a witch hat. He gulp and worried what might happen to him.*

???: Come closer... so I can see you in the dark...

Yuuri: Umm, sorry to bother you, ma'am but, I think I should just go---

???: It's fine! It's fine! You're not bothering me... Tell me, dear... Are you lost?

Yuuri: No, I'm not lost... I came here with friends...

???: Ahh, I see... Have you seen a cyan hedgehog with red and green eyes?

*Yuuri was shocked that the old women know about Akio. He try not to spoil everything about Akio.*

Yuuri: No, not at all...

???: Hehehehe, are you lying with me dear?~

Yuuri: huh? (H-How this old women know that Akio is with us?) No, I'm not lying! I tell you the truth!!

???: Oh, I see. Well then, can you take this bottle with you? It contains a powerful power. If you drink in the night of crescent moon, your extinct might grow bigger and stronger...

Yuuri: (Wait, does she talking about Akio vampire form? How she know about this? Only Akio family knows about this mysterious power...) Uhh, no thanks... I don't need such a power like that...

???: Oh, you think so? 

Yuuri: Uhh, is there any potion that can make people follow their orders?

???: You mean, this one? *show the bottle with pink liquid on it*

Yuuri: Hmm, not sure which one but if that potion can make people follow their orders, yes, I take that...

???: Hohoho, good choice. What makes you feel you want to have this potion, young boy?

Yuuri: Nothing... just try something new. Anyway, thanks for the potion... Um, you live around here ma'am?

???: Yes, I live in this area... I've been live here for almost 700 years... I supposed to be dead by now but this potion of immortality, can extend my stay in this world...

Yuuri: (Ugh, I speak with a dead people...) Well, I have to go now... My friends worried about me now... 

*Yuuri slowly walks away from the old women and as he walks away, he saw the apparitions gone into thin air. He scared and ran away, back to the camp where Sonic and Shadow saw Yuuri panicking.*

Sonic: Yuuri! There you are! You okay, buddy?

Yuuri: *huff* Yeah... Um, is everything good?

Shadow: We're waiting for you to have a lunch together...

Akio: Yuuri, what is that bottle you holding?

Yuuri: *quickly hides the bottle* Huh?! What? No! Nothing! I found the bottle above the tree and I thought it might be a good ingredient for our dinner...

Akio: Oh... (Something about the bottle make me feel uneasy...)

*That night, the boys eating lunch and Yuuri put the potion into Akio blood bag. Akio didn't noticed and Yuuri call Akio.*

Yuuri: Kio! Come here!

Akio: Hmm? *walk to Yuuri* What?

Yuuri: *whispered* You thirsty?

Akio: *nodded*

Yuuri: get into the basket...

*Akio get into the basket and Yuuri give him the blood bag. Akio drink all the blood until dry and Yuuri wait for the results. As Akio look at Yuuri, he tries to say or giving him an orders.*

Yuuri: Akio... will you love me for eternity?

Akio: Yes, master...

Yuuri: (Huh... it worked! Never knew it worked! hehehe, sorry Sonic but Akio is mine forever...) Good boy~ Now, go to sleep, tomorrow is gonna be a new day...

*Meanwhile, Sonic was laying inside the tent and as Shadow walks in, Sonic close the tent.*

Sonic: Okay, talk!

Shadow: What?

Sonic: Don't you think Yuuri is a little bit... scary?

Shadow: What do you mean? Yuuri is normal and nothing scary about him...

Sonic: Yeah but, don't you think he feel jealous when I treat Akio better than he is?

Shadow: I don't see that he's jealous.

Sonic: Well, he's holding your hand when he saw me holding Akio's hand.

Shadow: Huh... I didn't notice that... but I'm sure that Yuuri is fine and not scary. He never had any bad intentions.

Sonic: I hope so... Also, I saw Akio act strange toward Yuuri recently.

Shadow: Don't think something like that, Sonic. *kiss Sonic's head* I'm sure that Akio is fine with Yuuri. They're very close to each other just like us...

Sonic: Well, you're right. I guess I should stop worrying about Yuuri's act.

Shadow: Good, now let's sleep. We might wanna wake up early tomorrow. Good night, Sonic...

Sonic: Good night, Shadow...

*To Be Continued*

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