Episode 19

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*Akio and Yuuri follow Eggman into the experiment room and Akio feels something's not right.*

Akio: Yuyu... I feel something bad happen...

Yuuri: Hey, don't always overthink...

Akio: He's human!!! Human is evil!!!

Yuuri: Have you seen one before?

Eggman: Sorry, if it's a mess around here. My robot assistance is so slow to clean up the mess!

Metal Sonic: *looks* Bzzzt...

Eggman: Oh! Metal Sonic! Good, you're here! Can you take them inside the capsules?

Yuuri: Capsules?! Is this some kind of a ride?!

Akio: Yuyu...

Eggman: Yes! Yes! Please come inside the capsule and enjoy the ride!

*Yuuri can't think much and he pulls Akio towards the capsules. Akio pulls Yuuri to not go there but Metal picks Akio up and throws Akio into the capsules. Yuuri has been thrown as well.*

Yuuri: Akio!!!

Eggman: Good! Now, let's see what you two are...

Yuuri: Of course we're a hedgehog!! Can you see it?!

Eggman: Start the process!!

*Akio has been scanned first and the monitor shows that Akio is a hybrid of hedgehog and vampire. Yuuri scanned too and the monitor shows that Yuuri is a hedgehog but with magic ability.*

Orbot: Wow, they must've been coming from another world!

Eggman: Hmm... What a unique characteristics... This is the opportunity to defeat Sonic and the others!!

Akio: WHAT?!

Yuuri: Tch! Do you want to kill all of them?!

Eggman: Not kill them but... I will capture them and change them into a robot! Then, I'll get what I want by build my empire!!!

Yuuri: Grrr!!! Let us out!!! *transform into a beast and break Akio's capsules*

Akio: Yuyu!!

Yuuri: Grrrr... Run Akio!! Save yourself!!

Akio: NO!!! *Summon a scythe and stand by Yuuri*

Yuuri: Akio...

Eggman: Agh!! They're looking more powerful!! Metal Sonic! Get them!!

*All the robots are attacking Akio and Yuuri but both of them couldn't stand against all of them. That's when Sonic break-in and all of them look at him.*

Akio: Huh? Who's that?

Yuuri: It's Sonic!

Eggman: Sonic?!!

Sonic: Playtime is over, Egghead! Surrender now or I'll break all of your toys!!

Eggman: Heh! Think you could beat me?! Robot attack!!!

Sonic: Hmph! This should be easy!

*Sonic uses his blue tornado and all of the robots being thrown away. Akio and Yuuri run towards Sonic and hide behind him. All the robots are scared of him and stand back, except Metal Sonic.*

Sonic: Wanna rematch?

Metal Sonic: Bzzzzttt!!!

Akio: *run towards Metal and attack using his scythe* Aaahhh!!!

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