Episode 32

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*Yuuri and Akio took the kids outside and play. Young Yuuri gathered them in a circle.*

Young Yuuri: Okay! Here's what we going to play! Let's play hide and seek!!!

Young Akio: Yeah!!!

Young Yuuri: Okay! So, you all hide and I'll count to 10!

Akio: Sure!!

Yuuri: Okay!

*Young Yuuri close his eyes and count to 10 as everyone is going to hide somewhere. Later, Young Yuuri stop counting and went somewhere else. Akio was so curious but he keeps waiting. Young Akio is hiding in the tree.*

*Yuuri can't wait any longer and he gets out of his hiding place. He heard another Yuuri's voice and he follows it. He saw the young Yuuri cutting himself as he cried.*

Yuuri: Woah! Woah! Stop it right now!

Young Yuuri: *gasped* Y-You?!!

Yuuri: Why are you cutting yourself?

Young Yuuri: Y-You doesn't understand!!

Yuuri: Hey! You are me and I am you! So, I know what makes you cutting yourself but why are you cutting off suddenly?

Young Yuuri: I... I feel useless towards Akio... You see, I want to gift Akio something but I don't know... He said he wants something special. I do everything I got and it's useless!! I guess Akio never likes my gift!

Yuuri: Hey... Cutting is not an option...

Young Yuuri: So, how did you do it? How are you going to make Akio happy?

Yuuri: Look. You just say I love you and he will hug you. He feels appreciated and he wants you to get closer to him. He didn't need your present but he wants your attention.

Young Yuuri: Attention?

Akio: Yuuriii!!!

Young Akio: Yuyu!!!

Yuuri: Oh!

Akio: Where have you been?! We've been waiting for you to find us!

Young Akio: Yuyu, what's wrong?

Yuuri: Ask him...

Young Yuuri: *nod and walk to Young Akio* Kio...

Young Akio: Hmm?

Young Yuuri: I'm so sorry that I didn't give you a gift for your birthday this year. I don't know what to give you for your birthday and I feel useless...

Young Akio: Yuyu... I don't need your gift. I just need you to be by my side! You remember that you won't leave me alone, right?

Young Yuuri: Kio... *hug Akio*

Yuuri: See!

Akio: *hug Yuuri*

Young Akio: Aww... He hugs you too?

Yuuri: Ahaha... I guess four of us are the same. Hey, we better get back home now. It's ready for lunch.

Young Yuuri: Sure!

*So, the four of them walk back home and Sonic saw them. He's happy to see them come back home safely. At the same, Shadow came back home.*

Sonic: So kids! Having fun with your friends or should I say your twin brother?

Young Akio & Yuuri: YEAH!!!!

Sonic: Ahaha... Well, Akio, Yuuri, thank you for taking care of my kids! It looks like I'm talking to my future kids.

Yuuri: No problem, Sonic!! Oh, when can we go back home?

Sonic: I guess we should let you go now... You can't stay longer

Akio: Aww...

Yuuri: haha, you still miss this place?

Akio: Yeah! I guess I'll miss Sonic and Shadow too.

Yuuri: *smile*

*That afternoon, Akio and Yuuri take some lunch before they head back where they drop off. Sonic and Shadow along with their kids say goodbye to both of them.*

*They found the portal and they jumped into it as the portal was soon activated. They are finally back at Amita back and it's already night.*

Akio: Yuyu... Do you think that Sonic and Shadow kids are going to be like us?

Yuuri: Yeah... Anyway, we still have many things to do in Amita since the two of us are Guardians of Amita.

Akio: Your body...are 21 years old back...

Yuuri: *pick Akio up* I still love you even I'm in a different form. *kiss Akio*

Akio: Yuyu...

*As the years passed, Akio and Yuuri continue to protect Amita and the other world as well. Sonic and Shadow continue their work to protect Mobius.*

*And that's the end of the story about the two hedgehogs protect the world together from bad things that can destroy their worlds. The world has many reflections and Mobius with Amita are the examples reflections of the same world.*

*The end*

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