Episode 3

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*After a long walk, they finally reach their first checkpoint. Akio and Yuuri set up the camp. The sun is now above them and they are supposed to have lunch by now*

Sonic: Man... I'm hungry now.

Yuuri: Oh, I have a bun here. I've made it by myself. Kio, you want a bun?

Akio: ... I want delicious meat...

Yuuri: But, we haven't seen any wild boar out here.

Akio: Don't worry... I'll go and find one.

Shadow: I'll follow you.

Akio: Hmm... Very well... Let's go.

Sonic: Have fun Shadow!!!

*Akio and Shadow walk into the deep forest. As they find a boar, Shadow opens the conversation.*

Shadow: Akio, can I ask something?

Akio: Sure...

Shadow: How long have you live here?

Akio: I can't remember...

Shadow: You have a family?

Akio: ...

Shadow: Akio? Did I say something wrong?

Akio: Nothing... My family...they died in a fire...a long time ago...

Shadow: Oh... S-Sorry... I shouldn't question that...

Akio: It's okay. Oh, look. A boar...

Shadow: I'll handle this... Chaos Spear!!!

*Shadow spear hit multiple boar and Akio was shocked.*


Shadow: *looks* Uhh... Maybe me and Sonic should tell you next time about that part.

Akio: I...I...

Shadow: Come on, Akio. Let's take our meat and go back to our camp.


Yuuri: Ah! You're back!!

Akio: Yuuri!! *hug Yuuri*

Yuuri: Woah! What's wrong?

Akio: S-S-Shadow...

Shadow: I used Chaos Spear to take down all the wild boar and he's shocked...

Sonic: You should tell him first before do that!

Shadow: I know but it just happens!

Yuuri: Okay, everyone. How about we prepare the meals for lunch?

Sonic: *looks at Akio who's hugging Yuuri* Hmm...

*The boys have enjoyed the meal together and Akio walks to Yuuri.*

Akio: Hey, Yuyu... Did you have a blood bag?

Yuuri: You thirsty now?

Akio: *nodded*

Yuuri: *look at Sonic and Shadow* I can't give you a blood bag, Sonic and Shadow would know who you are...

Akio: But...

Yuuri: Get inside the basket... I'll give you a blood bag soon.

*Akio gets inside the basket and somehow it fits him. Yuuri secretly takes out a blood bag and gives it to Akio. Akio slowly takes a sip of the blood. But, Sonic noticed what Yuuri doing and got curious.*

*That evening, Akio was laying down inside his tent, Sonic walks in and saw him sleeping. Sonic tries not to wake him up.*

Sonic: Hmm... (There's something special about this kid... He has different eye colors and wears some kind of...casual clothes...didn't he feel hot wearing clothes?)

Shadow: *saw Sonic inside Akio's tent* Psst...

Sonic: *hears Shadow calling him and walks outside* Shadow...

Shadow: What are you doing?

Sonic: I just checking Akio... Something about him makes me curious... I wanna know more about him...

Shadow: Me too... I wanna know about his friend, Yuuri.

Sonic: Two of them already make me feel something's not right and uncomfortable...

Shadow: Wanna hang out or something?

Sonic: Let's get inside our tent and talk...

*Inside Sonic and Shadow tent*

Shadow: Okay, Sonic. What are we gonna talk about?

Sonic: * holds his chest* ... About Akio...

Shadow: *hold Sonic's hand* Is your chest hurts?

Sonic: What? No... I'm fine... Y-You know what I mean when I hold my chest...

Shadow: You...feel uncomfortable?

Sonic: Ugh... (I wanna say that Akio stole my heart but I'm afraid that Shadow would be mad at me that I didn't love him anymore...) Y-Yeah...

Shadow: Aww... Why don't you have some rest? Yuuri told me that tomorrow, we will wake up very early again.

Sonic: Hmm... since our first adventure started, I didn't see any werewolves, witches, nor vampires around here.

Shadow: We could be lucky that Akio and Yuuri are here with us.

Sonic: Yeah... Well, I will have some sleep now. Good night, Shad...

Shadow: *kiss Sonic's head* Good night, Sonic.

*Next day, morning*

Akio: Why should I wake them up?

Yuuri: *smirk* I had a feeling that it's your turn to wake them up.

Akio: *sigh* Fine!

*Akio walks to Sonic and Shadow's tent, and he suddenly feels uneasy but he needs to wake them up.*

Akio: S-Sonic, Shadow... Wake up. It's morning.

Sonic: Hmm? *saw Akio and quickly grab his arms*

Akio: Agh!

Sonic: Sshh... * looks at Akio's neck*

Akio: Wha-- What are you doing...?

Sonic: Oh nothing... Just want to check something on you... I had a weird dream...

Akio: Oh... Okay. You both should get ready and pack things up... We're going to another checkpoint...

*Meanwhile, Yuuri saw something shining beside Sonic and Shadow's tent. He tries to pick it up but somehow got electrocuted.*

Yuuri: Uhh... Guys... There's something outside of your tent...

Sonic: huh? *gets out from the tent* Wait... Is that a Chaos Emerald?!

Yuuri: Oh! Your Chaos Emerald?! It looks beautiful than I thought!

Sonic: Great! Now we need 5 more!

Akio: You have 7 emeralds, right?

Sonic: Yup! And as we find the shrine, we better keep an eye on Chaos Emerald!

Shadow: hmm? What's so noisy out here?

Sonic: Look Shadow! We found the Chaos Emerald!!

Shadow: That's good but... Aren't we supposed to get going by now?

Yuuri: Oh, yeah! I almost forgot! We better get going Akio!

Akio: Y-Yes...

Sonic: *looks at Akio* (Am I wrong...?)

*To Be Continued*

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