Episode 26

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*Yuuri woke up and gasped as he look around in fear. It looks like that he's been chased by beasts. It was night and silent. He saw Akio next to him, sleeping. He looks around to find the Cerberus he's looking for but it wasn't there.*

Yuuri: *sigh in relief* It was just a dream after all? Since when both of us fall asleep.

*Yuuri gets up and smells the air. He recognized it and they were finally back in Amita. But, something strange is happening. He looks above the sky and it looks like the sky is about to tear apart.*

Yuuri: Huh? That crack on the sky... That thing isn't there... What is going on? What happens while Akio and I are away?

*Then, he heard someone coming near them. It sounded like someone he know.*

Yuuri: BLAKE?!! *run to Blake* Blake?! What happened?!

Blake: *hold Yuuri tight* Rose!! He... He opens the door to the...hell... I know... Since he knew that...both of you are gone...

Yuuri: Why did he do that?!! Didn't we talked about this we never fight again?!

Blake: *cough* I...know... Please...stop him... His monster attacks me... I can't defeat them...by myself...

Yuuri: Blake! Hang on! We need to get you back to our hideout!

*Yuuri transforms into a beast, taking Akio and Blake with him to the hideout. Once they arrived, Yuuri put Blake inside the guest room.*

Blake: Yuuri... Are there any healing potions?

Yuuri: Oh, sorry. We never had a potion inside our house. Maybe I can make you some!

Blake: You really wanna help me...recover?

Yuuri: Blake, you and Rose are my childhood friend that I would never forget... I need to help you...

Blake: Even...we kill you and Akio in the first place?

Yuuri: *sighs* Yes... Please, I don't want this calamity to happen again like 200 years ago.

Blake: Yuuri...

Yuuri: Now! Stay here! I'll lock the door so Akio won't get inside once he woke up. *walk away*

Blake: Yuuri...where have you and Akio been all these days?

*Meanwhile, Yuuri going down the basement and found a cauldron with a few bit ingredients to make healing potions.*

Yuuri: I know!! I can use this potion to defeat Rose and I don't need to use my artificial pearls many times! First, I need the ingredients...

*Later, Akio woke up and he smells the potions from the basements. He walks down and saw Yuuri dress up as a witch.*

Akio: Yuyu?

Yuuri: *quickly turned around* Ah! You woke up!!

Akio: What are you doing? And what is that thing?

Yuuri: You don't know cauldron, Akio? Have you never seen one?

Akio: Oh! Is that what it is called? I always saw it on my mansions but my guardian won't let me inside or near the cauldron. I might end up fall inside and become one of the potion's ingredients.

Yuuri: hahaha! Akio... Well, I need to tell you something and I know you might not gonna like it.

*After an explanation about what happened, Akio was furious and growled.*

Akio: That...bastard never learned his lesson huh?!

Yuuri: Akio, language! I know how we defeat him! We need to craft potions and--

Akio: Potions aren't gonna help us! We have to fight like we always have.

Yuuri: But, Akio--

Akio: No buts! This isn't Halloween anymore Yuuri! This is real!!

Yuuri: Tch! I'll show you that this potion is good and will help us in our fight Akio!!

Akio: *sighs* Okay... Let's stop fighting... I don't want we ended up like Sonic and Shadow...

Yuuri: Akio... What makes you think that we both are Sonic and Shadow? We do not even look like them!! They can spindash while we can't! You are a vampire and they aren't!

Akio: I'm not talking about their personalities! What if...if we are Sonic and Shadow's son...from the future...

Yuuri: *sigh* You start to believe that? Tails said it's just an assumption... Let me just take this healing potion to Blake...

Akio: Blake? Is he here?!

Yuuri: Well... He is...

*Akio and Yuuri walk into the guest room and saw Blake take a peaceful nap. Yuuri shakes Blake's body slowly.*

Yuuri: Wake up Blake... Your potion is ready!

Blake: *open his eyes and saw Akio* Aah!

Akio: Hey! Calm down! I'm not going to hurt you as I did before...

Yuuri: Here, your healing potion is ready to drink.

Blake: Ah! Yes... Thank you, Yuuri... Since when were you into witchcraft?

Yuuri: Well, I really wanna do this when I was a little... Remember that I stir a puddle with leaves on it when we were young?

Blake: Ah... You play that thing... I remember...

Yuuri: Haha, I'm surprised that you still remember.

Akio: Blake... When did Ambrose start his devil plan?

Blake: It was the night of the red moon. Ambrose sense that you two were not in Amita. So, he opens the door from hell, he uses the forbidden spell that no one else will master.

Akio: What makes him do that?

Blake: I don't know! All monsters you and Yuuri sealed away are free and they're finding you both.

Akio: *looks at Yuuri*

Yuuri: Is there anything we can do to stop it?

Blake: Yes... We must close the door of hell back before it reaches the other world.

Yuuri: So, that's why I saw a crack in the sky...

Akio: A crack in the sky?

Yuuri: Yes... But, do you remember what you dreamed when we arrived at Amita?

Akio: Cerberus... Where is he?

Yuuri: Well, I thought it was a dream until Blake explain what Rose has done.

Blake: You sure that you both will stop Ambrose? He's strong! Super strong! It looks like he wasn't him... He's a different person...

Akio: That doors of hell must have consumed him. He sacrifices himself for the door of hell.

Yuuri: I'm sure we can defeat him even he's different. We've been fighting many monsters before, right?

Blake: I will help both of you... To save my brother...

Akio: *nodded* Well, we need to sleep now. It's getting late.

Yuuri: Oh! Yeah! Good night Blake. See you tomorrow!

Blake: Good night guys...

*To be continued*

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