Episode 5

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Thanks to @galaxerknight for the art cover

*The nights come and they haven't seen any checkpoint. They don't have any choice but to stay overnight. It would be dangerous if they set a camp where there's no safe zone.*

*Sonic picks Akio up and Yuuri keeps watching them from behind.*

Yuuri: *sigh* (Why do I suddenly feel jealous when Sonic picks Akio up? And why does he act like that to Akio? Akio was never as friendly as that before...)

Sonic: Akio... Are you tired?

Akio: No...

Sonic: Just sleep... It takes a long way to reach the second checkpoint.

Yuuri: (How does Sonic know it takes a long way to reach the second checkpoint? I should be the leader since I'm the one who starts the adventure!)

Shadow: Sonic, don't you think we should stop for a moment?

Sonic: We can't, right Yuuri?

Yuuri: Huh? Oh! Yeah... It's very dangerous to set up a camp when we're outside of a safe zone...

Shadow: Why don't we just teleport? It would be easy?

Sonic: I know I want to do the same but, Akio and Yuuri can't have an access to Chaos Emerald, which means if we're teleport, Akio and Yuuri not...

Shadow: I understand... Maybe walking or running is not a bad idea...

Yuuri: *sigh and take out a small knife and make a cut on his wrist*

Akio: *sniff* Yuuri... *looks behind at Yuuri*

Yuuri: *cut more on his wrist*

Akio: (Oh no...) Um... Sonic. Can you put me down?

Sonic: Sure! *put Akio down*

Akio: You two get along while me and Yuuri are behind, to make sure that you are both safe from any creatures.

Sonic: Okay! Come on Shadow!

Shadow: Right!

*Yuuri was far behind but Akio runs towards him. Yuuri quickly hides the small knife and also his cuts.*

Akio: Yuuri... It's no use for you to hide your cut from me...

Yuuri: W-Why did you come to me?!

Akio: I smell blood! That's why!

Yuuri: Only that? You never asked how I am... Akio, each cut I make, is each pain I feel in my chest...

Akio: I know and I care about you! You don't have to cut yourself... *hug Yuuri* I'm sorry...

Yuuri: *hug back* No... It's my fault... I'm sorry...

Akio: Oh, we better catch up with Sonic and Shadow. We're far behind...

Yuuri: Let's go... I'll let you drink my blood from my cut while we're walking...

*Meanwhile, from afar land where a big mansion stood strong.*

???: *sigh* Mirror, Mirror on the wall, where is that half-vampire hedgehog now?

*The mirror shows a reflection of Akio along with the other three hedgehogs who walks with him.*

???: Ah... There you are... Hmm? Wait a minute... That two hedgehog looks unfamiliar... I saw them before...

???: What should we do brother? Aren't our mission is to take that cyan hedgehog and kill him?

???: We are but... Take a look at the other two hedgehogs... Blue hedgehog and black hedgehog with red stripes...not the purple one...

???: Ah... I see them, brother. Are you going to take them as well?

???: Hehehe, Since I saw them... Yes... We must capture them all!!

*Back to Akio and the others, they saw something shining from the tree.*

Sonic: What's that on the tree?

Shadow: Fairies maybe?

Yuuri: What?! There's no such thing as fairies!! Why don't we go and have a look?

Sonic: You're right! Let's go!

*As they getting closer, they finally saw what makes the tree shines. It was a Chaos Emerald. Two Chaos Emeralds.*

Sonic: Ha! Today is our lucky day everyone! Ha! *take the emeralds down from the tree* Got it!!

Akio: Woah... That emerald is so beautiful, especially that cyan one... Can I hold it?

Sonic: Sure!

Yuuri: Akio don't--- *hold Akio hands*

Akio: What?

Sonic: What's wrong Yuuri?

Yuuri: The last time I hold the emerald, I got electrocuted...

Akio: What?! I don't believe you! *hold the cyan emerald and got electrocuted* Ow!!

Yuuri: *hold Akio's arms* See!!! I told you not to touch it!! Your hand must've hurt... *kiss Akio's hands*

Sonic: But... How?

Shadow: Remember what you said about Akio and Yuuri can't have an access to the Chaos Emerald? Since the emerald is from our world, I guess two of them can't even touch it.

Sonic: ahh... I understand... Well, only 3 more Chaos Emerald to go. Is Akio alright?

Yuuri: Yeah... He's alright...

Sonic: I'm so sorry Akio... I should have known about this...

Akio: It's okay... It's my fault...

Sonic: No...It's my fault...

Shadow: Come on everyone! We can't stay here a little longer... I heard something coming after us!

Akio: How about we stay above the tree for tonight?

Yuuri: We can try!

*The four hedgehogs climb up the tree and they sit on the big branches. Akio looks up at the sky and saw a new moon.*

Akio: *sighs*

Yuuri: Something's wrong, Akio?

Akio: Uhh... Look. It's a new moon tonight...

Yuuri: Yeah... Oh, don't worry about it okay?  I have your clothes here if you grow wings this week or maybe next week.

Sonic: Huh? Grow what?

Yuuri: Aahh!! Nothing! Nothing!!

Sonic: Oh, okay...

Akio: *whispered* Yuyu!

Yuuri: *whispered* Sorry... I will be careful from now...

Akio: *hug Yuuri*

Sonic: *look at Akio and Yuuri* (They look good together... Why I had a feeling for Akio of a sudden?)

Shadow: *hold Sonic's cheeks* You okay?

Sonic: Ah... I'm okay. Yuuri, Akio! Good night!

Akio: Good night!

Yuuri: Night!

Shadow: Good night...

*To Be Continued*

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