Episode 15

113 4 25

Thanks to @galaxerknight for the cover!

*Yuuri keeps kissing and rub Akio's back and Akio keeps purring and moaning.*

Yuuri: Let me wear a condom first~

Akio: O-okay...

*Yuuri turned around and Akio hug his back*

Akio: Come on, show it to me~ I know you have such a big member!

Yuuri: Aha... Sure~

*After Yuuri wears a condom, he pinned Akio on the bed, and Akio reveals his member. Yuuri was surprised and blushing at the same time, seeing Akio's member is big than his.*

Akio: Stop staring at me like that~ I know what you're thinking...

Yuuri: Ah... I never thought that you have such a big, juicy, and thick member~ Let me warm you up first~

Akio: *gulp*

*Yuuri rubs Akio's member slowly before he licks and swallows it. Akio holds the bedsheets as he feels tingling and good at the same time. Yuuri keeps licking his member faster. He stops and gets on top of Akio.*

Akio: Yuuri... That's gonna hurts me...

Yuuri: Oh, but the pain is not forever~ it hurts for the first time but you'll feel good in a moment. Like you bite my neck~

Akio: Well, I may be screaming so, I suggest you shut my mouth as you go inside me...

Yuuri: Sure~

*Yuuri slowly gets inside Akio and at the same time, he closes Akio's mouth preventing him from screaming. As he finally inside, he stays for a while, waiting for Akio to feel comfortable.*

Yuuri: *frowned* Kio... You're crying?

Akio: It...hurts!

Yuuri: Sshh... It's gonna be alright. It is our first time anyway so it hurts~ Can you hold for me until I came?

Akio: *nodded* I try~

Yuuri: Good~

*Yuuri thrust slowly and Akio moaned cutely. As Yuuri keeps thrust inside him, the pain is slowly fading away and the only Akio feels is a pleasure. Yuuri starts to thrust faster and deeper as he hugs Akio's body. The cyan hedgehog moaned in pleasure.*

*Akio's member throbbing hard and he'll cum at any moment.*

Akio: Yuyu!! I'm so close~~

Yuuri: Ahh~~ Me too~

Akio: I want you to cum deep inside me~

Yuuri: Heh~ Looks like you love it so much~ Well, kiss me~

*Akio kiss Yuuri and as soon as they kiss, the cum together and the bed full of their cums. Yuuri pulled out and look at Akio.*

Yuuri: Ah... I forgot that I wear a condom...

Akio: Mmm... Next time, you don't need a condom~ Just came inside me as many as you want~

Yuuri: You're such a slut~ I never know you love this~ Maybe we should do this sometimes~

Akio: Haha... Sure~


Sonic: Aahh~~ S-Shadow~~ How long... Are you... Going to do this?~

Shadow: Just...a couple of minutes~

Sonic: But this is the 5th time you--

Shadow: I'm cumming~~~

Sonic: Aaaahhh~~~

Shadow: *huff* I love you, Sonic~

Sonic: *huff* This is...the 6th time you came~~

Shadow: Sorry, I just want to release myself~

Sonic: No need to say sorry~ *kiss Shadow* I wonder what Akio and Yuuri are doing now... Hope they're okay...

Shadow: No need to worried about them... Yuuri knows what to do with Akio~ How about we stay here for a while?

Sonic: Why?

Shadow: I just want to spend some time with you~~

Sonic: *smile* Shadow... I wanna tell you something...I really wanna say this when we're at Amita but, I'm scared that you might be mad at me...

Shadow: Go on... Tell me~

Sonic: Well, the first time I saw Akio, it was completely different... Somehow, Akio stole my heart...

Shadow: You mean you love him?

Sonic: Yeah... I know you'll be mad at me...

Shadow: Well, I can't be mad at you... Besides that, you still love me right?

Sonic: Of course I am...

Shadow: The way you said that you seem not so sure about it...

Sonic: Maybe if I talk to him, I'll get this out from my chest...

Shadow: How about I talk to him?

Sonic: But--

Shadow: Come on, it's not like I'm going to hurt him or something. He has Yuuri!

Sonic: Well, I think I let you talk to him. Promise that you won't hurt him even a single cut on his skin.

Shadow: Promise...

*Later, Sonic walks back home and as he walks to the guest room, he saw Akio and Yuuri sleep together and he smiled at them. He then goes to his room to have some sleep.*

*The next day, Sonic, Yuuri, and Akio having breakfast together.*

Sonic: Akio, Yuuri... Do you two ever think to stay in this world forever?

Yuuri: Umm... Not sure but this place looks more peaceful than Amita. Every night, we've been attacked by vampires and werehogs.

Sonic: I see...

Akio: But, is it okay to stay here forever?

Yuuri: Hmm... We can try!

Akio: Okay.

Sonic: Well, Mobius is like Amita honestly. We've been attacked by robots and not vampires.

Akio: WHAT?!

Sonic: Yup! The robot is controlled by a madman, who wants our world and turned into his playground.

Yuuri: Woah! Imagine if the madman builds something like magic!!

Sonic: Uhh... The magic you mean by his intelligence?

Yuuri: I don't know about this robot thing but sounds like fun to ride!

Akio: Who's this madman?

Sonic: You'll meet him someday... For now, I don't see him doing his dirty works.

Yuuri: Oooh! I can't wait!!

Sonic: Why you're so excited to meet with that guy? He's evil...

Yuuri: Evil means kicking their butt!!

Akio: Don't worry, Sonic. He always like this...

Sonic: Uhh... I see...

*To Be Continue*

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