Episode 9

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*Back to Mobius*

*A portal appears at the sky and Shadow along with the 7 Chaos Emerald fall with him. Knuckles saw Shadow and he goes check him out.*

Knuckles: Shadow!! Where's Sonic?

Shadow: *gets up* Ugh... he... might not gonna go back home for a moment...

Knuckles: What do you mean?! Did you left him behind?!

Shadow: I'm not make his decision...

Knuckles: *sigh* What in the world has gotten into you Sonic...

*Back to Amita*

*Yuuri and Sonic are still thinking of a plan as they get inside the mansion. Yuuri become a rat and get on Sonic's head to see what's going on.*

Yuuri: I think we're safe... there's no guard guarding this hallway. But, we better be careful...

Sonic: Right! Let's go!

*Sonic run across the hallway and suddenly the alarm goes off. A big cage fall above them and it managed to catch Sonic that fast. They were surprised.*

Yuuri: Oh no! They planned this from the start! I guess they know that we're coming here to take Akio!

Ambrose: Indeed... The mirror explain everything to us... Oh, the blue hedgehog is still here? 

Sonic: Yeah right! I'm not going home until I save my twins!!

Ambrose: Tch... you and Akio are really not look alike! Not even a little bit! I suggest you to go home instead since you have no match with me!!

Sonic: I think you forget who's with me... Together we will take you down!!

*Yuuri break the cage by transforming into a dragon and attack Ambrose with fire breathe. However, Ambrose manage to dodge and the fire somehow give him protection instead of damage. Yuuri was shocked and he never knew Ambrose is immune to fire. But, Sonic use his blue tornado and Ambrose flew away.*

*Sonic use homing attack for a final blow. They discovered that Blake is disguised as Ambrose since two of them are twin as well.*

Yuuri: Where's Rose?!

Blake: heh, you never touch my brother so easily... It's too late for you to save Akio... He's ours now...

*They heard Akio screaming and Sonic follow the voice. Yuuri follow him as well. They discovered a big hall and Akio was at the center. There's no sign of Ambrose anywhere but they still be careful with their surroundings.*

Yuuri: Akio! You okay?

Akio: Yuyu!! *look up* Oh no...

Yuuri: What's wrong? *look above Akio* Ah!

Sonic: Hey, something's wrong?

Yuuri: Night of the crescent moon... Akio will transform into Alpha vampire! At this rate, he might not be able to control himself!

Sonic: Then we should cover the windows so Akio wouldn't make an eye contact with the moon!

Yuuri: Is that even possible?!

Sonic: *run to Akio* Hey, can you walk?

Akio: *show Sonic the chains around his legs, arms and neck* I can't... Ambrose wants to take me away by sacrifice me to the demon...

Yuuri: No way!! I can't let Rose have you!!

Ambrose: Oh, you think so? I have some special gift for you Yuuri...

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