Episode 29

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Yuuri: Akio? Akio!

Akio: Hmm?

Yuuri: Do you ever thinking that you want to become more than friends?

Akio: Like...lovers?

Yuuri: Yeah!

Akio: I'll think about that later...


Akio: *sigh* It's so hard... I don't have any feelings for him... How am I going to tell this to him? He will be sad...


Akio: *sigh* I never had this experience before... Why he wants us to be more than friends?


Akio: I had to tell him that ... I love him too... Before it's too late! I had to send these messages to him!!

*In the unknown world, Akio, Yuuri, Blake, and Ambrose are laying down. Yuuri woke up and look around. There was nothing except a white world. Yuuri woke everyone up and try to remember what happens.*

Yuuri: Is everybody alright?

Blake: Yeah... I guess so.

Ambrose: Ugh... What happens?

Yuuri: Rose! It's good to see you back!

Ambrose: Where's that creature? That thing took my body!!

Yuuri: We know Rose. But, we need to know where the heck are we. Everything is white... Is this a dream?

Akio: My wings! It's gone!

Yuuri: Oh! I just realized that!

Akio: Are we...dead?

Ambrose: Maybe...

Blake: But, where's Yami and the thing?

Akio: *rub his head* I feel like I wanna sleep. My eyes getting weak and I need some rest...

Yuuri: Just sleep, Akio. We will guard you...

Akio: Thanks...



???: Someone?! Anyone?! *cough* *cough*

Akio: Mom?

???: It's alright dear~ Don't worry... *saw a basket* Here, get inside and I'll send you down to the guards...

Akio: But how about you?! I can't leave without you!

???: Mom will always be by your side... No matter what happens. *cough*

Guards: Ma'am! Are you alright?!

???: I'm fine... Please, take this basket! My son is inside!

Guards: We will take it! Now, bring it down!

Akio: Mom!

???: *kiss Akio head* Goodbye Akio... *cried* Be a good vampire boy you'll always be... Mom and dad will always watch you...

Akio: Mom...MOM!!!!!

Akio: MOM!!!!

Yuuri: Huh?! Akio!!*hug Akio*

Ambrose: This place... It gives us our old memories... I think we're not dead...

Blake: So, are we inside an alternate world?

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