Episode 10

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*The next day, Sonic woke up and saw Akio still sleeping beside him with his wings on his body. The sunlight shines on Akio's leg and burns him, making Akio scream in pain and hide somewhere from the sun.*

*Sonic follows Akio until he saw Akio on top of the tree.*

Sonic: Akio! It's okay!

Akio: It burns me!!

Sonic: I know but you don't have to climb the tree for shelters! Come on, we need to save Yuuri remember?

Akio: The sun will kill me if we go right now!

Sonic: Ha... There has to be a way... Wait there!

*Sonic run deeper into the forest and saw big palm leaves. He runs back to go get Akio.*

Sonic: Okay, Akio! You can come down now!

Akio: Can that leaves fit both of us?

Sonic: Of course! Now, come here.

Akio: *jump down and hug Sonic* Are we going to save Yuuri now?

Sonic: Uhh... It'll be easy if the sun can't kill you...

Akio: How about we save Yuuri at midnight?

Sonic: You're right but...is Yuuri okay right now?

Akio: I'm sure he'll be okay. Yuuri is different and he's not childish like he used to be... I like when he acts clumsy, spoiled, and childish to me... I never tell this to Yuuri before...

Sonic: You love him weren't you?

Akio: I guess so... Is this what you said is falling in love?

Sonic: Yeah. Did I teach you many things?

Akio: Mm... We should go back to our hideout for a moment.

Sonic: But, it's far from here.

Akio: Don't worry... I'll teleport us there.

*Akio holds Sonic's hand and they teleport back to their hideout. Sonic walks to the kitchen to find something to eat. Akio is going to change his clothes.*

*Later, Sonic cooks something and Akio smells it from his room. He walks out and walks to the kitchen.*

Akio: Sonic... what are you cooking?

Sonic: Oh, sorry. I'm hungry and I need to cook something. You hungry too, Akio?

Akio: I... just need a blood bag if I'm hungry.

Sonic: Ah, yes... I forgot that you're a vampire. Well, I guess I have to enjoy the meal alone...

Akio: I guess no... *take blood bag from the fridge* because I'm hungry too. We can enjoy our meal together.

Sonic: *smiles* Thanks, Akio.

*After some time, the two boys sitting and enjoy their meal as Akio, drink the blood from the bag. Sonic keep watching him as he eats his food.*

Sonic: I was thinking, isn't the blood become rotten if stays too long inside the fridge?

Akio: Well, it is and we never get rotten blood. I usually finish it all before it expired and Yuuri will find another blood bag.

Sonic: Where did he get those blood?

Akio: I was thinking the same thing, I was wondering where did he get that blood. Sometimes, he could bring back like 10 blood bags or more than that.

Sonic: Did you ever tell him about that?

Akio: No, I thought he wouldn't tell me the answers.

Sonic: But... what if... the blood he gathered is... from a dead people he killed...?

Akio: NO WAY!!! He never does such a thing like that!! NEVER!!!

Sonic: Well, who knows?

Akio: Maybe... I saw him hurt himself... cutting his skin... 

Sonic: I heard that from Ambrose... is that true? A person like him who is happy-go-lucky, won't cut himself...

Akio: Well, he cut himself on our way to find the shrine... He just doesn't want to let you and Shadow see it...

Sonic: I see... he must be pretty jealous when I treat you better than he does...

Akio: *sighs* 

Sonic: I'm sorry if we came here and destroy you and Yuuri's life...

Akio: No...it's okay... I guess I'm not hungry anymore...

*Akio look at his blood bag which has a half liquid of blood left. He walks to the fridge and puts the blood bag there. He then walks back to his seat and waits for Sonic.*

Sonic: Oh, about your family... I'm so sorry...

Akio: How do you know that my family died?

Sonic: Shadow told me... I understand now, why Yuuri is always keeping you safe... He is the only family you have...

Akio: *look down* I...

Sonic: *walks to Akio and sits next to him* I had a friend who is short like you. Her name is Cream and she had a mother... We never saw her father ever since we became best friends...

Akio: But, she had a mother...

Sonic: I know but... That doesn't mean you have to be sad all the time... I know you had a hard time but... You have Yuuri...

Akio: You know that I always feel bad all the time?

Sonic: *nodded* I can read your emotions... The way you sighs... The way you look at me... The way you speak... I know you're having a hard time now...

Akio: *sniff*

Sonic: Aww, don't cry! Come here... *hug Akio*

Akio: *hugs back* For now... You're the only family I have...

Sonic: *smile and pet Akio*

*Meanwhile, at Rose Mansions. Yuuri has been chained and his body is still in Akio's form. But, one night, Blake walks to the cell to check Yuuri.*

Blake: Akio... *saw Yuuri's body in blood* JESUS CHRIST!!! Ha... Brother!!!

Ambrose: What's wrong?

Blake: Come down here!! Akio does it again!!

Ambrose: *walk down to the cell room and saw Blake* What?

Blake: L-Look...

Ambrose: *sighs* Bring him back to life...

Blake: But, we did this 25 times now!!

Ambrose: Just do it and keep an eye on him this time! I don't want him to escape this time...he's a half-vampire anyway...

Blake: R-Right...

(As you can see here, don't get it wrong. Yuuri is the one who is inside the cell but in Akio form. So, Ambrose will saw Yuuri as Akio, not Yuuri himself, and yes... He killed himself 25 times...)

*So, Blake uses his power to bring Yuuri to life and he is still unconscious. Blake summoned the undead to keep an eye on Yuuri so he won't kill himself again.*

*To Be Continued*

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