Episode 11

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*At night, Akio and Sonic are ready to set, and they go back to Rose Mansion. The mansion is quite as usual but they stay alert.*

Sonic: Akio, keep your distance from me... They want to catch you and not me. So, stay with me.

Akio: Okay... *growl*

Sonic: Huh? What's wrong?

Akio: I don't know... I feel sick. I think I want to puke.

Sonic: Hang on. *pick Akio up* Don't puked on me...

Akio: ... ...

Sonic: I know it's not funny but... What can I say?

Akio: *pet Sonic's head* That's okay... You mean you want to make me happy, right?

Sonic: Well, hang on.

*Sonic runs through the hallway until they reach the center where they fight with Blake and Ambrose before. The red crescent moon shines above them. Akio keep a look at it like he was in trance.*

*Sonic looks around for trap but nothing appears before them. Sonic looks back at Akio and he tries to shake him.*

Sonic: Hey, Akio. Are you okay?

Akio: The... The...

Sonic: Huh? W-What's wrong with the moon?

Akio: I can't...move my legs... I'm...trapped...

Sonic: Hey! Snap it out!!!

Ambrose: Ah... Finally, it worked!

*Ambrose claps his hands from the dark along with Blake and Yuuri who are weak and both his legs and arms have been chained.*

Sonic: Ah...

Ambrose: I knew you both returned... Oh, don't worry. Yuuri is safe with us... We know your tricks all along...

Akio: Y-Yuuri!!

Ambrose: You want your friend back? Or should I say...brother?

Sonic: Please, don't hurt him!!!

Ambrose: Oh, don't act like you're a hero here! You don't even belong here...

Sonic: Even I don't belong here, I still want to protect my twins!!

Ambrose: Blake... Get him!

*Blake uses his fire to trapped Sonic while Ambrose walks to Akio who is paralyzed. Yuuri open his eyes and saw Akio and Sonic in trouble.*

Yuuri: A...Kio...

Akio: Tch...

Ambrose: Now... Just be a good boy and come to me...

Akio: No! *try to move*

Ambrose: Oh, it's no use! The moon will keep you paralyzed my dear. You have nowhere to run... You have nowhere to hide...

Yuuri: HEY!!!

Akio: Yuyu...

Yuuri: If you lay down your fingers on him... I swear... I'll cut off your hands and take your blood and feed it to Akio!!!!

*Akio and Sonic were shocked, hearing that word coming from Yuuri.*

Akio: Yuyu...is that true that all blood you gave me...those blood bags...are from innocent people you killed??

Yuuri: *frowned* ... Yes... I kill all of my friends, Akio.

Akio: *shocked* You... You...monster...

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