Episode 23

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*As many days passed, Knothole village is preparing for Halloween festivals, and all Sonic's friends are doing their best while Akio and Yuuri hanging out in the nearby forest.*

Yuuri: Kio...

Akio: Hmm?

Yuuri: You believe what Sonic tells us yesterday?

Akio: He said he heard that from Tikal and as far as I know about her, she is the guardian of Master Emerald and she keeps doing her job as a guardian.

Yuuri: Yeah but now, we aren't going to talk about Tikal. If she was right about this, I might afraid that once we arrived back at Amita, Ambrose and Blake's memories will be lost forever...

Akio: Well, you can't push me! Blame the crescent moon!

Yuuri: You can't blame mother nature!!

Akio: *sigh* Well, why not we go back home? I think everyone is finish preparing...

Yuuri: No! We will talk about our way back home. How long are you going to rest?

Akio: About half months...

Yuuri: *sigh* That's too long... Can you make it short?

Akio: Sorry, Yuuri... If I didn't push myself in the first place, we won't be stuck here for a long time.

Yuuri: I should tell you that you reach your limits...

Sonic: Boys! You there?

Yuuri: Over here Sonic!!

Sonic: So, what are you guys doing?

Yuuri: Nothing much... Just a small talk.

Sonic: Oh! Great!

Akio: What are you doing in the village?

Sonic: You know, count the pumpkins, decorate the village with scary stuff and make a stage for the Halloween event!

Akio: So many things to do, huh? Well, if this is Amita, all vampires, werewolves, and ghosts will come immediately.

Sonic: Haha and lucky that this isn't Amita.

Yuuri: Sonic! You can run fast right? Why don't you give Akio a boost?

Sonic: Sure! We can try!

Akio: Yuuri...

Yuuri: Don't worry Akio! We will come back home fast!!

Akio: But, we can stay a little bit longer right?

Yuuri: Remember what Tikal said?

Sonic: Yuuri, Akio is right. Why not stay a little bit longer? You guys don't wanna miss this event, right?

Yuuri: Well, I guess staying a little bit more is fine... I guess.

*That night, Yuuri and Sonic going to the village to check everything is in its place.*

Yuuri: Woah! Tomorrow night is going to be awesome!!

Sonic: So, any ideas for tomorrow night?

Yuuri: I was thinking I want to be a witch... You?

Sonic: Hmm, werehog of course... I had one transformation that is good for Halloween...

Yuuri: Hmm... I only know you had Super form but didn't know that you have many other forms you can be!

Sonic: Yeah... Oh, look! A shooting star! Make a wish!

Yuuri: Okay! ... ... ... Done!!

Sonic: What do you wish for?

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