Episode 21

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*As Yuuri search for Akio, the night come soon. He keeps find Akio no matter what and can't go back home without him.*

Yuuri: Akio!! Where are you? *sigh* I've been searching for hours! I can't sense his artificial pearl power anywhere... Did he...?

*Yuuri heard a rustling sound coming from his side. He walk into the bushes and saw someone on the other side. When we walk out from the bushes, he saw Akio pointing his scythe to his chest and Yuuri quickly stop him.*

Yuuri: AKIO!!!

Akio: HUH?!

Yuuri: *kick the scythe from Akio's hand and hug him*

Akio: Yuuri...


Akio: *slowly hugs back*

Yuuri: How can you end up here?

Akio: Shadow... He came to Sonic's house and I don't know why. He cooks some food then he does something like intimidating me...

Yuuri: Then?

Akio: He touches my lips and was about to kiss me. I push him away and run away to the forest. He keeps following me and he's different... He looks like cares about me and wants to build a relationship with me...

Yuuri: But, he had Sonic! Tch! Then, what happens?

Akio: I had enough and summoned my scythe and was about to hurt Shadow. I want to kill him at first but then I remembered about Sonic... He wants to take me home but I don't want to... I keep waiting for you...

Yuuri: *hug Akio* But, why do you want to kill yourself?

Akio: I had enough with this... I can't control myself! I can't control my feelings...my emotions... I can't... I CAN'T!!!! I WANT TO DESTROY THIS FEELING!!!! I WANT TO FEEL EMPTY WITH NO FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS!!!

Yuuri: Ssshhh... Control yourself... Hold me tightly. (This madness is getting out of hand...) Akio... There's something I want to tell you.

Akio: What is it?

Yuuri: Before I leave Ambrose and Blake, they told me more about you. There's something about you, you need to know.

Akio: Okay... Tell me...

Yuuri: You...have this some kind of power called madness. If you can't control yourself, you will fall into madness and start being hysteria. You will kill people and never stops...

Akio: *hug Yuuri* I'm scared!!!

Yuuri: Don't worry! I'll help you! Let's go back home. It's getting dark here.

*Yuuri picks Akio up and they quickly run back home. Sonic saw them and he already cooks dinner for them.*

Sonic: Welcome home boys... Is Akio okay? I know you both are hungry. Come here and have dinner.

Yuuri: Thanks Sonic. Come Akio, let's eat.

Akio: But I'm not hungry.

Yuuri: Hey, you need to eat something. Let me feed you.

Akio: Okay...

Sonic: *sit down* So, where did you go Akio?

Akio: I'm run away from Shadow... He did something intimidating and I can't have enough with him

Sonic: Just as I thought! Don't worry Akio. We will protect you from Shadow. He didn't act like this...

Akio: *eats*

Yuuri: Akio... You look pale... Why don't you drink some water?

Akio: I want blood...

Yuuri: Okay...

Sonic: Hey, you can bite me for blood... I know you always bite Yuuri all the time but why not bite me again? Like you did back on Amita...

Akio: I'm okay with any blood I drink at least I'm not thirsty...

Sonic: Hehe...

Yuuri: Thanks Sonic...

Sonic: Nah, it's not a big deal...

Yuuri: Oh, but this is a big deal... Glad we let Tails build a chain.

Akio: What chain?

Yuuri: Uhh... I should have whispered instead. Well, we want to help you from killing people by put you in a room and put chains on your both feet and hands.

Akio: Will I be okay?

Yuuri: You will be alright.

*After dinner, Akio and Yuuri walk to their room and Sonic follows them. They had asleep together. Sonic and Yuuri hug Akio as they sleep.*

*Akio dream about his past life, when he was a child.*

Child 1: Ewww!!! Does a bloodthirsty vampire want to play a game?

Child 2: Don't let him get near us!! He will kill us all with his sharp teeth and fangs!!

Child 3: Come on! Let's get away from him!!

Akio: Wait! I wanna play too!!

Child 1: Blergh!! No way we want to play with you!! Come on everyone!! Leave him!!

Akio: Ah! *cried* I just want to play... Mom!!

*Akio run back home and cried. His mother pet her sons and kiss his head*

Mom: What's wrong Akio?

Akio: Those kids don't want to play with me!! They mocking me and saying that I'll kill them!!

Mom: Aww... Don't cry. Mom will always be with you. Tomorrow, you will have to hunt for food.

Akio: Yes mom... *sniff*

Mom: There, there... Don't cry...

*Next day, Akio wakes up early and went hunting. He saw someone running not far from him. He followed to the nearest bushes and was about to shoot. As he shoots using a bow, someone screams in pain.*

Akio: Oh no!!! I'm so sorry!!!

???: Agh... My legs!!!

Akio: Here, let me help you! It's gonna be hurt so hug me if you want to...

???: Okay... I'm ready!

Akio: 3...2...1! *pull out the arrow*

???: AAAHHH!!!

Akio: Okay! Okay!! Calm down... Take a deep breath and...there you go...

???: Haa... Thank you...

Akio: I'm very sorry! I was thought it was a boar.

???: Hehe, don't worry. It was my fault and I should have warned you about my appearance.

Akio: What's your name?

Yuuri: Yuuri the hedgehog... You?

Akio: Akio... The hedgehog...

*At that moment, both of them become friends and the story about the two hedgehogs is begun.*

*Akio dreams end there and Akio smiled in his sleep. He was lucky when he found Yuuri and his life changes when Yuuri is with him. He won't forget what Yuuri has done to him.*

*To be continued*

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