chapter 1:where am i?

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(chapter 16/17 tbate manhwa)


I woke up from a high pitch scream.

I open my eyes and see darkness around me but I can felt that I'm in some sort of crate because of it wooden texture.

I try to remember what happen before I got in here but can't seems to recall any.

The only word that echoes in my head is "survive".

I tried to move but my arms and legs are tied up.

They feels...unnatural. My arm and legs I mean.

I try to struggle and move my joint but the exhaustion doesn't let me.

I try to scream but nothing come out of my mouth because my throat is dryer than dead leaf.


"Shut her up!"

Seems like the girl that woke me up also getting kidnapped.


I heard that. She got hit hard. I try to struggle more with the adrenaline to "survive" but still can't seemed to loosen the knot.

"Let's get ready to go. We're only a few days away from leaving this damp forest." the captor said.

"Hey, boss. Elf girls go for a lot, don't they?" Another captor said.

Elf? They exist? Aren't they just a fantasy creature? Why am I being captured too?? Why I can't remember anything!??

Tear of confusion fall from my eyes. I still can't produce any sounds from my mouth.

"She's a child too, so a virgin at that! She'll definitely fetch us a lot, not like that Rabbit!" The other captor said.

I want to go home.... but where is home? I want to go back.... back to where?

The knot that tied my hand loosen and I immediately put my hands on my head.

Where am I?

Who am I?

"Shut up and put her back in the carriage with the rabbit. We need to move!" Captor that I assume is the leader said.

"Yeah,yeah. There she goes." The captor's footstep is coming toward me and put the elf girl beside my box.

"Deuce, hurry up back there!" The leader yelled.

"You're going to gave us a fortune, elf girl" Deuce said while wetting his lips and then kick the box that I'm in. After that, he walk away.

The thing I'm on is moving. Inside here is bumpy so I collect my strength to sit while hugging my knee. I also untie the rope that tie my feet and succeed.

I still can't do anything other than sit and think. This will be a long day.

I took a deep breath and clear my mind. I try my hardest to remember what I'm doing before I'm in this box but still nothing. The furthest thing I could think off is the girl's scream that awake me. Another problem is this body. It felt really unnatural no matter what I think. It felt... "small".

This box doesn't have any light that pierce through so it really dark. I brushed my hair, it felt really dirty heck, my whole body felt dirty. There are dried blood all over my body but strangely my body did not feel any pain.

The only information that I'm certain is this world is not my world. I don't think there is fantasy creature like elf exist in my world.

Am I reincarnated?

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