Chapter 4: a memory or a nightmare?

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hearing a name got called I snapped out of my daydreaming. I look around and this is not inside a tent, but a bus.


I look around again and then look at my hand.

It was my smartphone that connects to my earphone.... that's why the sounds so loud.

"Hello? Daniel why're you suddenly quiet? are you spacing out?" a girl voice ringing in my head.

after shaking my head a little bit, I remembered that I was currently on the way back from a school trip and the one who called me is my older sister.

"ah, I w-was thinking about something, what are we talking about again?"

"you already forgot? the one who excitedly called me at 2 am to share your trip to the waterfall is you." my sister said

Looking at the time, it indeed is 2:15 am.

"I know you're late owl so don't complain so much. The trip is really fun and magical I tell you! First day is a little boring because we're dead tired but the second and third day is reeeeeeeeally awesome! The forest around the campsite is magical enough but the waterfall is on another level! We should go here sometime."

Now that she reminded me about the waterfall, My memory of it surge like a wave to the shore.

Why I call The forest around our campsite is magical is because it feel like the tree glowing a bright light at night when looking from afar. My classmate and I just looking at it in awe when the night comes with glistering star above as a cherry on top. Even our biologist teacher is telling us that this is a strange phenomenon. The weird thing is, It can't be captured by camera. It appear as normal tree even with full blast camera light. We can't get too close to it because it will be gone when we approach it. Teacher said that it a bug covering the tree to drain it protein but i don't think that's true because there is no bug that shown as brightly as that. It went on for all three night we're there.

"Magical indeed, bugs that covered a whole forest and light it will be ridiculous unless it mating season but I think a type of tree that glowing every blue moon exist, it confirmed extinct though." she said.

My sister is a prodigy among her colleagues, while she is lazier than a sloth. I don't know how she surpassed it, but it happen. She's turn 20 this year and she already received her PhD I dont know how she's do it even though everytime I saw her is in a bed eating chips while reading some manga on her laptop.

"You always knew what's up Mrs sloth"

"why thank you, mr smart guy"

we both laugh a bit and then back to the topic.

The waterfall. Calling it magical is understatement. the water is crystal clear, have the right temperature can drink straight from it. It felt like we're the one who first found this place because there is no trace of human or pollution exist surprisingly. the water is so fresh that all tireness has washed away with it stream. It felt like heaven. The rock around it is shiny, bouncing the sun ray making a rainbow across the waterfall. What I want to tell you is when the night time comes. The waterfall.... Is glowing too!! It let out a radiant white light, splashing into water under it. It completed the heaven I have in mind but teacher prevent us to swam in it, telling us that is dangerous. My friends and I make a little plan to sneak there in the middle of the night. What we're found is straight out of any fantasy book! There is a floating light orb scattered around on the waterfall. I can confirm you that is not a firefly because one of my friend try to catch it but the light just phase through him and one of the light ball fly to me trying to communicate? I don't know, it move pretty frantic infront of me. The sight is really mesmerising to me that my friend need to remind us that it gotten late at night. Day come and we got punished for waking up late. It worth it.

"you.... completely lost me. Are you sure you're still on earth?"

"Im not sure myself. To be honest, all of it felt like a fever drea--"

everyone is currently sleeping because it almost 3 am. As I utter those word, I felt like... my body is floating... I quickly latch the blinder and saw that we're floating.... but we're on a bus.

The time flowing really slow as the bus plummet to forest under it.

"sister, I don't think I will be back soon..." I said hopelessly

"What do you mea-" the last sentence I heard before the bus hit the impact.



a distant voice called out a name.


I slowly open my eyes, adjusting the light and I see that im in a tent. Thank goodness.

"Ari are you okay? you're sweating and move in sleep like crazy." a silver haired elf and the red hair looking at me concern.

I didnt realize that my breathing is unstable, I calm myself, move to sitting position and think what I've just dreamt of but as I want to reach it, it goes farther away. I can't seems to recall anything at all other than the feeling of hopelessness.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Arthur asked

"I think so, yeah. J-just a nightmare, right." I said frantically while hugging myself as tear start to fall.

Both of them saw my tear threatened to fall, they look at eachother and decide to hugged me.

"there, there. it just a nightmare." Tessia said hugging while brushing at the back of my hair.

"you've been through a lot, Everything is going to be okay now." Arthur added hugging while rubbing my back.

Then I started ugly crying, followed by tessia and Arthur trying hard to keep his composure but fail and crying with us too.

After sometime of loud comfortable hug. I signal them to pull the hug.

"*hic* Thank you.... I really need that" i said wiping my tear.

"don't worry I n-need that h-hug too" Tessia added with a flushed face wiping her tear.

"yeah, it comforting." Arthur added wiping his tear.

This two must've through a lot too since Arthur got separated with his family and Tessia is almost be a slave.

While me.... I can't remember anything other than a random name.

Ahh, I want to cry more thinking about it but we need to keep going toward the kingdom of elves.

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