Chapter 10: Heart of a child

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I open my eyes, slowly and it seems like I'm back to my and Arthur's room...

right... Arthur Leywin the protaganist of the book called TBATE.

I put myself in a sitting position and look at my side. Arthur just laying there soundly asleep with his stone.

He will become one of the strongest person and meet a lot of hardship in the future, so I need to be stronger to be by his side when the times come.

I jumped out of bed and stretch my body. I just realised that I didn't get to eat anything yesterday. I didn't feel hungry at all but nothing is wrong for extra energy.

I don't want to wake up Arthur from his sleep so as quietly as possible, I sneak out of the room.

I closed the door behind me slowly to not make any sound.

Now... with my totally reliable mental map, The kitchen should be... here!

I started walking in totally right path.

I just follow my instinct, really.


after a few minutes of walking I noticed something. Why there's no maid working around? I plan to ask them the way to the kitchen if I met any.

weird... is it because of Tessia?

hmmm... I don't know.

Eh, we can ask later when I find a worker.

I shrugged it off then started walking again in this magnificent elven castle.


After a few more minutes of mindlessly walking, I arrived somewhere spacious. There is no roof here. I look up and...

Oh, It is quite dark outside. that's why there is no one around. They're probably asleep.

I can't tell how late it is but the sunlight that penetrated the tree canopy is definitely not there.

I look around to find somewhere to sit in this wide area but then my eyes land on someone.

I only saw her back, she has a light grayish yellow coloured hair just enough to cover her neck and a white skin according to her long elvish ears that sticking out.

I walked to the side to see what she's doing alone here late at night.

"um... H-hello-- AHH!"

Without a warning, something grab my leg and my vision turned upside down.

I saw that a green vine lifted me up.

I immediately called for Frity and try to burn this vine but it doesn't seem to work.

Is my magic that weak??

I concentrate more of my mana on my palm as I hold the vine. Then Frity activate the fire magic to make even stronger fire.

still didn't work, not even a scratch.

how strong is this vine?

As I still struggling to escape, I hear footsteps coming toward me.

I just give up and look up and saw a green double edge sword pointed at me.

There is a sudden chill through down my spine and my breath become extremely rigid for some reason.

She say something audible and my vision become blurry as my eyes start to form water.

"huu! *hic* waaa!!"

I'm crying... out of fear... and I can't-- I can't... *hic* think straight!!

How am I supposed to survive in this world? If every mage I will fight in the future is as strong or even stronger than this girl, I can't even do anything!

I can't become like Arthur because he is the protaganist of this world, the strongest king in his previous life. While I'm just a teenager who never taste how adulthood work in my previous life. I'm out of his League!

And here I thought that I can carry his weight when in the future, he literally fought every foe that not even the adult in this world can touch!

... am I supposed to give up helping him?? But he is my friend, I can't abandoned him!!

I-I don't know what to do!

If my sister was here, She always know what to do... she always do... I... really miss her...

I feel my feet land on the ground.

I also try to wipe as much as my tear but it still kept flowing...

"... I'm sorry..." I heard The stranger mumbled as she kneel down and hugged me gently.

I felt really... warm and safe in her embrace. It an addictive feeling as I hug her back tighter, wetting her uniform with my tears.

I also felt something forming inside me but I didn't gave it any thought.


"Are you calm down now?" The stranger ask with a concerning diamond blue eyes as she slowly separate me from her hug and look at my face.

I nodded as she show me a gentle smile and take out her handkerchief and wiped my cheeks.

"Now, now. It's okay, you're safe. What is your name?" She asked with a gentle tone.

"A-Arinedy..." I said meekly.

"Arinedy, what a beautiful name! This sister's name is Alea Triscan, nice to meet you!" She said brightly, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier but why are you here, Arinedy? This castle is not a public place to run around. Furthermore this late at night." She asked.

I took a deep breath to clear my mind before answering her question. Then, I poured everything like a child telling they're mother how they meet a friend in a playground at her.

I'm not good at explaining things so she got it or not is up to her. I can't control much of my body's action and emotion because while the inside have a soul of a teen, the brain and the heart is still that of 5 years old child. Extremely sensitive.


"you've done really well on bringing our princess back to Elenoir. I'm proud of you." She said while patting my head.

"N-no, it's all Art's work. I didn't contribute anything at all." I said to her flustered.

She gave me a gentle smile, then she stand up.

"You are a mage right? come, I show you my secret place to compensate what I did to you." She said while holding my hand leading me somewhere. For a split second, I saw my sister...

It remind me a lot of her...


(A/N: If you think my MC is a cry baby... Yes, he is. Daniel is fairly a normal teen who never experienced a life threatening event like this one. Combine that with a children's sensitive emotion, he can't really contain his tear.)

any grammar mistake please point it out.

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