Chapter 3: Frity

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As I gazing at the star, I recapped what happen today and what to do from now on.

I woke up in a box inside a kidnapper carriage, heard a girl got kidnapped and she apparently an elf which supposedly doesn't exist.... atleast in my world, then got saved by a kid with a red hair who's no older than five alone using some sort of magic.... that is a miracle right there. After that I discovered I can talk to animal as long as they're not hostile toward me so if I calm them down, I can converse and command them.

How I discovered that I can command them? Well...

Currently I'm outside at night, guarding the camp and it got really cold so I try to talk to the bunnies to warm me with their fluffy fur. Surely enough, a lot of fluffy pink cotton came to sit on my lap and my shoulder to keep me warm! They're body heat relaxed me a lot.

Back to the recap.

After that, we goes on a journey to The elf girl, Tessia's kingdom and get to know each other more on the way.

What I got from them is that, Arthur, the red hair who saved us, is a mysterious kid who is a mage at such a young ages and came from human city. He told us that he got separated when bandits attack their's family carriage and ended up here.

Tessia, an elf with a grey hair, came from Elenoir city in elves kingdom. She ran away from home because it too stressful for her and ended up in kidnapper hand.

Me, a boy with a white hair and red ruby eyes can't remember my origin. Basically an amnesiac kid.

I brushed a pink cotton who slept on my lap....calming my heart.

After a few minutes of daze, I heard a flicker of fire on my right ear. I quickly look at my right and saw a floating fire.

I startled to the left dropping two bunnies who slept on my shoulder.

"Sorry!" I whispered to the bunnies but it seem they didn't wake up from that.

The fire started to approach me so I ready to shout Arthur name as promise but....

"Why're you here Arinedy?" The fire said with a high pitch voice straight inside my head.

"How.... do you know my name?" I said while still in shock of it talking. Arinedy supposedly my made up name.

"A boy who can speak to animal and spirit. The news travel fast you know!" it said with a smiling tone?

"Spirit? What is that? I never met one since I woke up." I said while thinking all the encounter I did.

"Hehe.... you're talking to one here, silly! I'm a fire spirit and I've come here to make a contract with you, Arinedy." It said.

Contract? With my minimal understanding of fantasy story, a contract with spirit or other primordial being is basically binding their soul together right?

"What.... is contract?" I asked pretending to be dumb 5 years old to get more information.

"Contract is basically we become partner by soul! You can use my magic and I can consume your.... delicious pure mana~." She explained while sounded like a pervert.

"Pure... mana?" I asked again.

"You don't realise it but pure mana guzing out from you right now! Usually mana in this world is diluted and a mage need to use their core to purify them... but sadly it doesn't seems like you have any core to gather them so this is why I came here. To help you bend fire to your liking!" It explained again.

I just watched this floating fire in daze....

"So.... magic?" I asked

"Yes, exactly! You can control fire!" It said enthusiasticly.

Magic! I want to use it!

"How do I make this contract?!" I said with my eyes shining, excited to use magic.

This word is not so forgiving for the weak so magic should be necessary to survive.

"Easy! You basically need to name me and I need to accept it!" It said.

"Okay! I will name you..... umm.... give me a second" I said to it.

I'm not good with name and all my name sounds stupid so I just going to name it with another fire spirit that I apparently remember.

"Friti.... I will name you Frity!" I said to the floating fire.

"That is a good name! I'm frity and I will accept this name given by you, my contractor Arinedy." It said suddenly become brighter and brighter until I need to cover my eyes.

After sometime, I open my eyes and saw Frity coloured redder than usual.

"Hello Arinedy, my name is Frity. I will help you control fire mana!" It said moving around my head.

"How do I start using magic?!?" I asked excited.

"Eager aren't you? Well pick this dead leaf and imagine burning it from your finger tip.."it said while hovering on the dead leaf it mentioned.

I picked it up and did what Frity told me. A few seconds later, I felt something moving on my skin toward my finger tip then surrounded the leaf and after a second, said leaf is on fire!

"WOAH!! I set it on fire first try!! I used magic!!" I whispered loudly to not accidentally waking them up while watching the dead leaf burn to ash by my magic.

"Congratulations! you can use magic now! Well, you can only use low level spell on your own because of your condition but don't worry about it. You can increase your guzing mana with time and then I can help you use some bigger spell like fireball or something!" Frity congratulate me.

I listened to Frity word and nod. Thats mean I have a chance to be stronger than ever!


After burning some more dead leaf and experimenting my new found power, I yawn.

"*yawn* I felt tired all of a sudden..." I said to frity wondering why.

"Hehe! You too excited and you overuse a little of your mana." She answered.

I yawn more and start walking toward a tent that Arthur and Tessia slept in.

I opened the cover and saw Arthur's slept sitting beside her while his hand on top of Tessia's head. Tessia probably has nightmare or something because she holding his shirt.

I just nudged Arthur's shoulder to wake him up.

"Hey Arthur, it your guarding time." I whispered to him tiredly to not wake Tessia up.

He scratch his eye opened it slowly and said.

"Stretch... ok, your turn to sleep now." he pat my shoulder and walk off the tent.

I took Arthur's sleeping place and light out.

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