Chapter 12: Deviner

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"G'morning, Art! Wakey wakey!" Tessia said while sitting on top of Arthur.

I'm just here watching in amusement.

"H--wha--" he mumbled.

"Not now, Shadow monster. five more minutes." Arthur said and swing his face to the side.



"Hey Ari! did you sleep well?" He asked me, noticing that I woke up early.

"Yes, sleeping in a bed feel much better than in a forest." I said.

"I agree, I want to sleep more if someone didn't wake me up." He staring at Tessia.

"Well, your hair look funny, Art. hehe!" Tessia teased.

"You're one to talk, mini-medusa." Arthur jab her back.

I wonder if greek mythology's monster exist here...

"Hey, hey, Is it true you're going to stay here? Grandpa told me this morning that you are." she asked.

"Wait, really? I thought you want to go back as soon as possible?" I added with a fake shocking face.

I already know but I think it wiser to keep it a secret about 'The beginning after the end' book for now.

"hmm... Maybe. we'll know for sure after the trip with Elder Virion, Princess" he said while took of his shirt.

I saw Tessia face look grim after Arthur called her princess. She then pinched his back.

"OUCH!" Arthur yelp.

"Not princess... TESS! T-E-S-S. I'm going to get angry if you guys keep saying that!" Tessia scold.

Lesson learned, don't called princess of the elves kingdom a pricess. Got it.

She then stare dagger at me for some reason.

"Okay, Okay! Now let me shower and get ready. Unless you want to watch, I suggest you leave the room ,Tess." He said trying to diffuse the situation.

Oh yeah... Shower... How could I forgot!

I then took off my clothes too.

Arthur noticed this but he brushed it off.

Tessia then make a disgusted face and said we're perverted. Then Arthur yelled her to stop using words that she barely know.

I just laughed it off.


After showering and put on our fresh clothes, We went toward the main door.

"Father, Please!"

I heard Tessia pleading about something to his father.

"You know it's not appropriate for human to be residing within this kingdom!"

That must be her father.

We then arrived outside of the Elenoir Castle and saw Elder Virion getting inside a carriage while the King and Queen of Elenoir, try to get us out of this land.

Arthur and I just looked at eachother then walk toward them.

"Alduin is right, Elder Virion. Ill always be grateful to the boys for saving Tessia, but allowing a human to stay here goes against all traditions." The Queen said.

"I've taken a liking to both of that brats. There's no need to say more." Elder Virion dismissed.

"Besides, Your daughter seems to approve of my decision as well." He continue while looking at Tessia nod aggressively.

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