Chapter 5: toll of continuous journey

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After our little breakdown early in the morning, Arthur catches some bunny and make a stew out of it for breakfast to calm us down. He could be a chef when he grow older if he can cook this delicious even though he's like 5 years old.

Sometimes past, we collect our stuff back and ready to continue this journey.

"Oh, I forgot something! Frity! Are you here? I want to show you to Arthur and Tess!" I called and suddenly a ball of flame manifest infront of my eyes.

"What do you want to show us?" Tessia asked while Arthur tilt his head and come toward me.

"This is Frity, my contracted spirit!" I said while point at the floating fire.

They just tilt their head looking at me confused.

"But there is nothing there and what is spirit? I've never heard of it." Tessia said.

Arthur just shake his head and continue packing our stuff.

"B-But there is something here! How did you not see this floating fire?" I said still pointing toward Frity.

"There is.... nothing floating near you?" Tessia said still confused on what I'm saying.

"Are you imagining things? You're up late last night." Arthur added.

It's true, I'm up late because of playing around with my magic.

I frantically look on the ground and pick some dead leaf.

"L-Look! I'm gonna burn this leaf with my hand!" I said while holding a dead leaf and slowly turning it to ash.

"W-WHAT!! How did you that? Arthur came here and look at this! Ari is doing magic! Did he awaken his core or something?" Tessia said amazed while frantically call Arthur to come over.

Arthur just drop all his stuff and rushed to me. He look at me with intense glare, searching for something.

"Can you do it again? Just one more." He asked.

"Sure!" I said while picking another dead leaf and burned it to ash.

"How did you do that? You doesn't manifest a core and yet you can do magic?" He said tilting his head.

Frity just moving playfully around my head.

"That's what I try to tell you! I contracted with a fire spirit named Frity and now I can use fire magic! Although it said that I can't use any big spell yet because I have miniscule amount of mana to power it." I informed

"But you need a core to do magic... and I've never heard of spirit or coreless mage before..." Arthur said in thinking position.

"Me neither... there's no such thing as a 'spirit' much less 'coreless mage'" tessia said.

"Well I'll be the first one!" I said smugly.

"haha! Well, you can help me light up a campfire later." Arthur said smiling at me.

"leave it to me!" I said raising my fist.

after I show that I can use magic, we continued our journey.

Walking through unfamiliar surroundings make time quickly passing as the only indicators of our progress. Surprisingly, I didn't get any nightmare like the first night. I wonder why.

There is not much happen because everyone is on a rush to get back to their home back especially Arthur. He seems really impatient at times but we understand him and follow from behind.

and then 'that' evening come.

"AAAAGH!!" Arthur yelp loudly.

Me and Tessia just warm up near the campfire before Arthur fall to the ground and holding his heart, or more accurately his core.

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