Chapter 15: A little magic lesson

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The whole ride back to the castle is uneventful as we arrive on it's front door.

The King and the Queen was standing there as we made our way toward them.

Tessia and Elder Virion goes inside first while me and Arthur stopped infront of the king as he lightly cough and block our way.

"It seems that years of being a king has made me a bit old-fashioned and stubborn." The King said with a sorry look.

Arthur and I are visibly confused then the Queen tap both of our shoulder.

"What he's trying to say is... we're sorry for earlier. Please accept our apology and consider this place your own." The Queen said with a reassuring smile.

"You are my daughter's companion and savior and also my father's very first disciple. Let me welcome you once again, properly." he stated then offer each of us a handshake with a smile.

"Thank you for your generosity." Arthur said while bowing slightly.

"Thank you." I followed.


Tessia suddenly coming back and slide infront of us.

"If you're really sorry for Arthur, Th-Then... Let us play outside! I want to show them around the city!" She exclaimed.

Yeah, that's pretty great idea. after I experienced my memory again, I felt weird. I need something to distract myself from it.

The King and the Queen swing their head, looking at eachother. Probably a silent conversation.


While the King and Queen welcomed us, doesn't mean we can instantly accepted in Elven society that hate human so they need to work out on that matter.

Tessia was sadden with this outcome but Arthur and I manage to cheer her up by promising her we we'll follow her around when we got the permission get out.

after that, we were excuse to our bedroom. It's gotten late after all.


"Hey Art, can I ask you a question?" I asked Arthur while both of us are ready to sleep.

"What is it, Ari?"

" how old are you?"

he just giggle and shake his head.

"hehe, I'm just four years old. Why did you ask?"

"Heh, I'm older than you." I smirk.

I know that he is older inside but his shocking face is funny.

"But you look the same age as me??" Arthur ask with utter shock and confusion.

"Well, good night!" I quickly tuck in the blanket.

"Hey! ...hehe.. good night, Ari. Tomorrow is the day that gramps will put us to work." Arthur said then doing the same.


I can't sleep much...

all sort of thought is spiralling in my mind and the most bothersome is this question.

What is that black mist that chasing me?

my body was instinctively told to run away from it and fear of its return is starting to creep me out!

And who is the one that make a portal infront of me when I'm running? Is it my mysterious aunt? probably.

She is such a mystery right now. My mom was really secretive about dad so I know almost nothing about him.

But... I still remember his bright smile looking at me...


There is also a problem of living in TBATE which is will be a lot more complicated as time goes on. Hopefully, I got a little of Arthur's miniscule plot armor...

nevermind, he didn't have any.

so yeah, I will wake up earlier for my extra magic training with Sister Alea.


Couple hours of me trying to remember TBATE's major plot in my head has passed, I jumped out of my bed and ready myself toward the training ground.

The hallway toward there is really quiet as I walk the same direction as yesterday meeting with her.

I'm excited to know what's more can I do with my weird magic!

and there I saw her, gracefully swinging her green sword.

I stared at her for a few minutes until she notice me.

"Oh, There you are Arinedy! I thought you'll never come." She said while detracting(?) her sword.

Seems like that is not an ordinary sword. Well... She is one of the Lance afterall, they're anything but normal.

"Well! I'm excited to train my magic with you, Please take care of me!" I said while bowing deeply.

"Likewise, I did think it through that your usage of mana is really... unique to say the least. You doesn't have a mana core so you can't purify the diluted mana around you... Well, that rule doesn't apply to you." she began her lecture.

I nodded to show I understand. If I remember all my power correctly, this were all I discovered: self healing (because I'm a spirit), healing others, Speak to animal, spirit and (with a help of Frity) I can do fire magic. Frity explained when I first met her that I 'guzing out pure mana', maybe that's why I can use magic without core.

"So, with that out of the way." she clapped her hand and called a large vine from the ground.

"Try make this kid like you by channelling mana into it." She continued with a grin while patting the vine and the vine seems too... like it? It act like a cat getting chin scratch.

That vine is borderline like a green tentacle... or vine is really just an earth tentacle?


I'm getting off-topic.

Anyways, I don't know where to start, most of the work were does by Frity and she is a fire spirit. I don't think it will work, but I want to give it a try.

I put my left hand on the green tentacle / vine, then direct the mana around me toward it. If I want to describe how it feels, the mana is a river and my body is the earth as the mana streaming on top of my skin to wherever I focus on part of my body and Frity as a water mill to transform my will into reality (specifically fire).

I gently pour my mana on top of my left hand. She said to channel my mana into it and with Frity's help, I did it.


and without a warning, I accidently put it on blaze so I quickly retract my hand from it.

"I-I'm sorry!! I-I didn't mean too!!" I apologise in an instant while holding my left hand on my chest.

"It's fine, Arinedy. Look, It's not injured!" Alea reassured me.

I slowly turn my head to the vine and it seems like there's no scratch on it. I sigh in relief.

"Let's make this our objective for now allright? Our lesson end for today." She hunch over me and give me a pat on my head.

It's really comfortable...

"Thank you for the lesson, Sister Alea!" I said after she done messing my white hair up.

"see you soon!" she waved as I make my way back toward Arthur and I's bedroom.


A/N: Hello, thanks for reading! I got a laptop not long ago so I can write with a faster pace!

(I still have a procrastination to worry about though.)

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