Chapter 6: Elenoir,The kingdom of elves

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As I enter the door, I felt like I got ripped in two. It hurt A LOT.

I fall to the ground head first, barely holding my consciousness.

As I look to my right, Arthur has fallen too.

I don't know if his pain as bad as mine though.

Tessia just poke both of us.

"we're here!" she said

"uggggghh" I groan still glued on the floor.

Arthur slowly stand up and look at me.

"Ari, are you okay?" he said approaching me.

"uugghh... just.... need a minute." I just let out more groan as my regeneration kicks in.

I discovered I have a self healing ability when I got scratches by thorn once. The pain is still there but it heal instantly leaving no trace.

"Come on get up Ari! We're here in Elenoir!" Tessia said while lifting my arm.

As my Energy slowly regenerate and with a help of both Arthur and Tessia, I manage to stand.

My mouth just gape quickly looking at this scenery infront of me.

It a kingdom surrounded by many HUGE tree. There is a building on the side of it!

There is also a lot of spirit floating around make this scenery more lively.

It literally what I imagine what a kingdom of elves will look like!

Simply put, magnificent.

just... Magnificent.

that word doesn't do it justice.

But I lack a vocabulary to know a better word.

A few minutes later, I can stand on my own as my energy tank filled up, a gust of wind suddenly appear make me cover my eyes and Arthur readied a fighting stand but Tessia block him.

As the wind died down, there appeared a group of Knight looking man, bending their knee infront of us.

"WE WELCOME BACK THE ROYAL PRINCESS!" they shout in unison.


who? Where? here?

Im looking around and my eyes land on Tessia.

I'm just speechless. There is only one girl in our group.

she's a girl who almost got kidnapped in the middle of nowhere.

And her name is Tessia.

So.... she's a Princess. right.

I got a light headed trying to process this information.

I look at the group of knight and Tessia back to back.

Then I look at Arthur. We had the same exact expression and question running through our head.

Tessia just innocently nodding her head while smiling with close eyes at us.



my head hurt.


After a moment to calm ourself down, a knight with black hair started talking.

"Princess, we arrived as soon as we noticed the royal teleportation gate had been used. The king and queen are--"

before he can finished, a large expensive looking carriage pull over behind them.

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