Chapter 13: Tie Back The Connection

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Inside the basin there appear two people getting ready to eat their meal.

One of them has the same hair colour as Arthur with a tired looking eyes and she seems to be pregnant. That must be his mother.

The other one has the same eye colour as Arthur, he try to increase the mood by giving a compliment to her cooking. the food is looking delicious he said and I must agree, it does look tasty. That must be Arthur's father.

"Nothing like that, it's just been awhile since I've cooked for you after moving here."She dismissed.

She then try to sit down but she have a little problem with it because she is pregnant. Arthur's Father help her to sit across the table.

She then looked at the food with a sad expression. Probably thinking of something about her missing son. They don't know if Arthur is alive or not.

I can't remember much of this part of comic.

Arthur's father, I think his name is Reynolds? my memory is really fuzzy on this. He caught her said something under her breath but she quickly claim it was nothing.

She then sigh and gently pat her stomach.

Then, Arthur start to talk through the water. I see his voice were laced with green magic going through the basin into the couple's head.

"Hi mom. Hi, dad." As soon as Arthur utter those word, they react with a shock to it. The spell is working wonder.

"It's me, Your son... Arthur..." I look at Arthur and he smile with tear threatened to fall. His father, who's about to eat, drop his spoonful of food cause of sudden voice of Arthur inside his head.

"You're probably really surprised that you're hearing my voice inside your head, huh? I'll explain all that later, but for now, I just want you to know... I'm alive and safe." He said that with full of relief and struggling to keep his composure. His hands is a bit shaking.

"I manage to survive the fall off the cliff... Just barely." He said with a playful smile.

"This should be kept a secret, but I'm currently staying in the kingdom of Elenoir with the elves."

"I know It must've been hard."

"Its been hard for me too, but I'm glad you're both okay."

"I hope you guys dont blame each other for what happened."

"I'm proud of what I did back then and if I could go back in time, I'd do it again."

"Even if it meant I would die."

"I wish I could go to you guys, but that might be a little hard right now. It seems I have a sort of illness that I need to get treated."

"I'm not in any danger, but I need to get treated before I head back... home."

"I'm not sure when the next time I can reach out like this will be."

"There's a mage here that's a deviant like you mom."

"She's the only one thats allowing you guys to be able to hear my voice."

Arthur pause for a bit.

I can't describe much what happened because I'm myself is bawling right now. same with Tessia.

"Dad, Ill keep practicing magic and fighting while I'm here recovering. Don't be surprised if I beat you in a match the next time we meet." He continue.

"Until then, Keep mom and the baby safe... Mom, Dad. I love you both. Take care until I get back. " Arthur uttered his last word for them.

The couple's is visibly shaken by this sudden telepathic message as they're both crumbling toward each other and cry with a happy tear.

And Arthur is finally let his tear flow as he look at his parent embracing eachother. He then look at Elder Virion with teary eyes and said:

"I'm ready." he said with a determined face.


This is one of the most touching moment in the book. I wonder if I can contact... no, Daniel was already dead and I remember it. It also from another world so that doesn't help. Hopefully my parent doesn't took badly for the news of me being dead. Knowing my parent, they are probably already suing the school right now because my mom is working as an attorney. I just smiled thinking about it.

Me and Tessia hugged him from both his side and Arthur just stand there, trying to wipe his tear that still overflow.

" Princess, you've got a good friends on your side." The diviner said with grandma's loving eyes.

Tessia just nod her head.

"Now It's your turn, boy." She then looked at me.

I take a deep breath and wipe my tear.

"I'm ready." I said to Elder Rinia.

" Good, now come to my side and look at my eyes. Don't close your eyes untill I said so." She said

I then move toward seat next to her.

"You will be experiencing your past a second time, savouring all the detail while it last, Boy." She said

"O-okay." I said.

Which past is she going to let me see? Arinedy or Daniel?

Then, the spell started. While I'm staring at Elder Rinia's eyes, my vision become more and more tunneled. All my sensory become more and more distant. After sometime, I can only saw her multicoloured eyes as a green aura overwhelmed my sensory.

"You can close your eyes now." She said gently.

I slowly close my eyes.


I felt warm of the sunlight hitting my skin... I'm not inside a house anymore.
There is a vast green field stretch as far as eye can see, The birds are singing too. This scenery is the embodiment of word "peaceful" If I were to describe. Then I looked up.

There were 2 sun, a small sun with a red outline and a big sun with a green outline. I said outline because you can't look at the sun directly without burning your eye.

At that moment, I knew that this isn't Daniel's memory, but Arinedy's memory.

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