Chapter 11: Promise

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"we're here!" she said as she touch the tree trunk and the vine slithering like a snake, making an archway on it.

As soon as we stepped inside the archway, my eyes were greeted by a soft blue light that emitted by a large clump of crystal on the ceiling followed by shiny white light of flowerbed on the ground.  The crystal is bright enough to lighten the ceiling of the room but not enough to reach the ground making the middle of the tree wall dark and there is also flower on the ground emitted a white light.

It amazing how inside a tree can become more cave like with a grass floor. It remind me of the last thing I saw before became Arinedy... I don't know how to feel about this.

man, my emotion is a mess.

"Is that Arinedy??" a sudden voice called my name.

"Oh my goodness, it is him!!"

The voice broke my trance as several white floating spirit rushed to me.

I was confused on how they got my name, then I look at my fire spirit for an answer.

"I told you before that you're popular." she shrugged.

"how can you see us even though you're a human?"

"Is it true that you can talk to animal??"

"How can you be alive even though you don't have any mana in your body?"

They asked simultaneously with a curious tone and gaze. I can't seems to processed any of their question so I let Frity to fill them in.

I felt my hand were squeezed gently from Alea as she looked at me with a concerned face.

"Do you not like it here? We can leave now if you want." she asked

oh yeah... no one can see the spirit other than me.

"No, I'm fine! Sister Alea, what is this place?" I asked as I looked around trying to ignore the spirit chatting with eachother.

I can see she flinched as I called her 'sister' and she quickly recovered.

"This is my secret place. I often came here when my job is getting... too stressful. This place always manage to calmed me down. Beautiful isn't it?" She said as she reminiscing about something.

"This lady used to come here a lot with her little brother when she was young but we never saw him after sometime." a spirit said as it circling around her.

"She often always come here to cry about him."

"We are the spirit of emotion so seeing this lady sad, we're all effected by it negatively."

"That is why we're all help her when she need it."

"You emotion need help too Arinedy!"

The spirit said one after another.

' Spirit of emotion? ' I telepathically asked them.

"We can analyse creature's emotion either they're a living being or not."

"This tree protect us from outside's emotion because we were really sensitive of their emotion."

"that's why there is only a few of us."

"but we still can help a person that discover us!"

I heard their explaination and nodded understanding of why she have an attachment here. I do feel calm when surrounded by this spirit. They're doing a good job.

Sister Alea suddenly turn and crouch infront of me, meeting my eyes.

"Arinedy, can you show me your fire magic again?" She asked.

"umm... why." I ask hesitantly.

"Just do it, please!" she said with a smile.

I nodded and open my palm. I imagine a fire to materialise then channeling mana on top of it, then Frity ignite my mana making a fire appear on my palm.

Alea gave me a weird look then it turns into shock.

"Woah... You're awesome Arinedy! I never saw a person can wield mana like that..." she said with shiny eyes.

I know I'm special but getting a compliment is always able to make me happy. I just smiled at her shyly.

She then put her palm on her chin, making a thinking pose.

"Hmmm... how long will you stay in this castle?" she asked.

I want to stay here forever if I can but probably I will leave when I turned 10 or 11 years old because Arthur leave around that time. I don't want to freeloading alone.

"About... five years? I need to learn basic knowledge like reading and writing here. Beside, I dont have anyone out there." I said.

She become silence for a bit and then,

"How about I become your magic teacher? I can teach you how to control your mana better." she offered.

My eyes just went wide.

"REALLY??!?" I said excitedly.

"Yes, but you need to promise to keep it a secret between us, not even the princess and Arthur can know about this okay?" She said

"why?" I asked while tilted my head to the side.

"Just... promise me okay?" she then make a pinky gesture to me.

I have my doubt but they already have a way to power up themselves anyway.

"I promise." I tangled my little pinky finger with her's, making a pinky promise.

"Thank you, we can start your lesson tomorrow around this time. Is that alright?" she asked as she stand up and brushed the dust off her.

I just nodded then we leave the tree.

"I need to get going, the maids should woke up by now so you can ask them the way." she said

I nodded and walk away after saying goodbye.


I'm now in my room after asking a maid to lead the way.

Arthur still didn't wake up yet so I just sit in the sofa and playing with Frity untill Tessia barge in that make me jump.

"wakey~ wakey~ Ari,Art !!" She shouted.

surprisingly Arthur still didn't wake up.

"Tess, That's so loud!" I said while holding both of my ears.

"Oh, good morning Ari! Where is Arthur?" Tessia asked

"Good morning Tess. He still asleep, You can wake him up if you want." I said.

She then smile brightly and goes toward the bed.

(A/N: Thanks for reading and also happy new year!! hopefully you will have the best 2022!)

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