Chapter 16: Full Of Training and Lesson

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I arrived in my bedroom and saw the door was slightly ajar. I remembered that I properly closed the door before I went to met Alea so there must be someone inside.

with caution, I open the door and saw Elder Virion checking on Arthur's condition.

Arthur is currently sleeping in a cold sweat and from time to time he clutched his core whereabout.

"It's getting worse..." He whispered to himself as he put his hand on top of his sternum and pour his mana into him. Doing this make Arthur more relax.

"Wake the brat up. We're going to train a bit early it seems." He directed at me and left, leaving me alone with a sleeping Redhead.

Well, I still can't see a ray of sunshine so it must be early. I went in the bed and nudge Arthur to wake up.

"Art, wake up! Gramps want us to start the training early." I said while still nudging him.

"hmm? 5 more minutes..." he said while looking at me sleepily and went back to sleep.

"Oh come on, Art! Grandpa Virion will be angry at me for not waking you up. Wake up now and get ready!" I said while pushing him back and forth.

"Yes, I'm *Yawn* up, Ari. Stop pushing me." He said waking up.


After Arthur was done shower and all, we made our way toward Grampa Virion by asking around of his whereabout. This is a castle after all so getting lost is pretty common I would say.

"You brats are late. What is your excuse?" Grandpa Virion said while still meditating.

"Umm... Ari here found a library and his eyes shine to bright for me to refuse." He said while rubbing at the back of his head.

oops... I got exposed! How can I resist that big of a library? It's probably contain a lot of information because it reside in a castle!

Well... unfortunately I can't read any word... but still, progress!

I just gigled.

"Oh well, I forgives you for now because you don't have enough time to explore. This castle is a pride of our race as an elven country, that is why it was unnecessarry large. For Arinedy, you will attending classes with my granddaughter. Now sit here, we will begin our training." He said opening his eyes.

we followed his instruction and sat crossing our feet facing him.

"For Arthur until now, you've been purifying your mana core and manipulating your mana using your mana channels. While, for normal mages, this method is sufficient, for beast tamers, we can't rely on this approach. For Arinedy's knowledge, beast tamers are mages that are capable of harnessing the unique ability inherited from a mana beast's beast will. Do you understand?" he asked while looking at me.

I just nodded to let him continue.

"good. For beast tamers we use what we called assimilation." he continued.

Assimilation? What is that?

I looked at Arthur and he is similarly confused as me.

"Haha! Don't worry, you'll know soon enough. What it essentially is, is integrating mana from your core directly into your body's bones and muscles, hence the method, assimilation. Unfortunately, throughout the period of assimilating, your mana core won't develop at all, but that isn't the point of this. Once the mana from your new core is absorbed throughout your body, you'll be able to start utilizing whatever power your beast's had." He finished.

...I still don't understand...

does it mean beast tamer can make a new core? wait, no. I think what Grampa Virion mean by new core is the beast will it self. To simplify what I understand, you need to spread mana from your mana core to every part of your body and get use to it to use the beast will. Seems pretty hard. Well, nothing beat hard work.

"For you, is different, child." He pointed at me. Arthur also look at me shocked turned curiosity expression. Arthur probably forgot that I'm a bit different.

Well, I'm an interesting and unknown species after all and I don't know how will Grampa Virion train me without knowing how my mana work. He did know that I can heal and see a person's core no matter their colour. other than that, he probably make assumption of me.

"I can see that you doesn't have a core... normally, you can't even be a mage. You'll only be a normal citizen without it." He paused.

"And yet, here you are. Trying to pry me the first time we've met." He stared dagger at me.

That's... fair I guess.

"The point I'm getting at is you're just break an important rule of a mage. Can you tell me How you did it, child?" His stare turned curious.

That make me feel uncomfortable...

Should I tell them? I don't think I told anybody yet that I'm not exactly a human. Is it really a good time? Or should I just keep it a secret and play dumb now? I'm still an infant so Grampa will believe anything that I said right? no... I think lying is risky and lying is bad. So what to reply...

"I don't know..." I said trailing on my word while looking at the ground.

It was hard to keep myself from over spilling if I actually said the truth so this is the best answer I can gave you right now Grampa.

"No matter then, let's start our training for the day." He said standing up and getting ready.

""YES!"" me and Arthur replied.


Most of the training today was focusing on Arthur of how to assimilate his mana. He meditating then dispersing his mana into his entire body every day for every training session. He's become more and more healthy each day!

While I on the other hand, Grampa thought me a lot of things about combat and mage but he still didn't know how to trained me so he just gave me physical work out like running and such. The weird things he and I found out is, my stamina was almost endless. Basically I can run for a long time but I can't get any faster.

That's all for the training session. There's still academic session where I attend classes with Tessia and rarely Arthur will join too. Fun fact, Tessia was a really fast learner. It a bit hard to comprehend a new way of writing or reading but she tought me so efficiently that sometimes I called her "Big Sister Tessia" and this delighted her to no amount. The history and the geography is what makes me miss my world because I don't understand a single bit in this world... The arithmetic here is exactly the same to Daniel's world, does Al-Khawarizmi Reincarnated here? because Algebra was one of the first subject for me here (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ! Atleast I know how to read a little now.

Enough of that, next up is my training with Sister Alea. Every morning I woke up then met her. The objective she gave me took me couple of days to figure it out. It pretty simple and I'm just stupid, all it need is to pour a pure mana to make the vine comfortable enough that it almost wrapped my whole body. I still got a shiver thinking about it. She said that this vine will be my saviour one day. After that, while mana has different elements, they're still comes from one's core so basically you can cast any magic for a really short amount of time enough to make your daily life easier as an adventurer. Alea showed me an example by casting all four elements spell simultaneously. It was beautiful. She showed me a couple of trick of how to use your mana efficiently and uniquely like how you can grow any plants if you have mana, she put a seed into her palm and just a second after that, a seedling appeared. My eyes shine brightly looking at it, then I try to do it and succeed first try! I was incredibly happy that I still hold that same seed today.

And just like that, A few weeks passed by like the wind...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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