Chapter 8: A war veteran vs lost 5 years old kids

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Why did he also gave me a sword? I'm not a fighter.

I back off and let the sword touch the ground while Arthur catch it.

and he IMMEDIATELY aiming for Virion's neck.


"ART??!" I shrieked

"G-Grandpa?!" Tessia yelled

Why did he try to kill him???

I know Arthur is deadly but not this unreasonable.

I looked at Virion and he seems fine. The one who got hit is his... blue shadow?? I don't know.

I sighed in relief that Arthur didn't commit any royal murder yet.

The oldman Virion is more interested in Arthur now. As it should be.

So im stepping back to Tessia's side and let Arthur deal with him like everything ever since we're here.

"Are they going to be alright?" Tessia asked concern.

"I think Art can handle him." I said confidently.

"Grandpa is a war veteran you know!! he is merciless when it comes to fighting." Tessia said proudly.

"we'll see..." I said.

Arthur SLASH Virion's side with his sword but he only hit the oldman's empty robe and the same blue shadow come out.

Virion appears at his side and move gracefully to hand chop his 5 years old opponent's neck.

Arthur saw this and successfully blocking his attack but the oldman has two hands so he try to punch him with his other hand.

Arthur currently in disadvantage because of Virion's overwhelming strength, he saw this attack and dodge to the side but the former king with his speed make an elbow attack.

It shot Arthur across the hall and disarm him.

"here we see, a war veteran elderly beat up a pubescent kid." I commentated.

"Hey! don't make my grandpa sound like a bad guy!" Tessia hissed

"oh, sorry!" I apologize

Arthur then quickly run back to Virion, pickup his weapon mid air and try to slash him over and over again but everytime it only hit the blue shadow.

I need to learn that move.


In outside perspective, this duel look like evenly match. Who am I kidding, Arthur is looking bad right now even though he block most of Virion's attack. The old man is just playing with him or 'test him' for more accurate.

The final act come now, Virion's appears behind him and trying to kick his leg to make him fall. Arthur, saw this as a chance, let his leg hit throw himself into the air and swing his sword downward toward the elder's face.

There we have it folk! that swing barely scratch the former ruler of Elves forehead.

That's mean he succeeded the test. How do I know this? Logically speaking, it impossible to beat him with Arthur's current age so a scratch is the best he can do.

That moves make Arthur tumble around to the grassy area.

"ART!!" I snapped out of my play by play commentary and go towards art with Tessia.

"pffft!" Virion laugh.

It is funny that he beat up a five years old kid.

"Art, are you okay??" Tessia asked first.

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