Chapter 9: Dreaming a Memory

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I feel like I've fallen from a skyscraper... slowly... falling and hit the ground. I didn't feel any pain but more of a shock that woke me up.

I open my eyes and look at surrounding.

"Why am I... here?"

I swear that the last think I remember is sleeping in a comfortable elven bed... but now I'm in a classroom?

Am I dreaming this whole time??

but.... which one is a dream?

Anyway, I need to head home. She must've worries about me because I'm late. All my classmate is gone so I must've overslept because the sun is setting. Are they pulling a prank on me? They usually wake someone up before going home to make sure no one in a class. There was a case where a student got locked up inside the school so... anyway I put all my stuff in my sling bag and walk out from the classroom.

I took another glance at my class and I feel weirdly nostalgic. I feel like I will never saw it again. I turn around and start walking home.

The long corridor at this time is empty and it gave me a weird vibe... I don't know why.

Suddenly, It all seems distorted and slowly turning dark...

It gave me a bad headache that my leg start to wobble. Then I quickly try searching for a wall to support me standing. Even standing straight is difficult at this moment!

The wall is supposed to be near me but I can't find it and my distorted vision is not helping. It gave me a lot of headache before I manage to find something to lean on.... a tree? What?

It not suppose to be inside of a school building...

I shook my head to clear my distorted view and true enough, now I'm in a... forest?

Huh. Where did I see this exact tree before? I swear I know this tree but... as I try to reach the answer, the farther away it goes. So I decide to gave up on it.

It currently a night time, the moon gave me a little light but One of my eye doesn't seems to be working and the other eye is really blurry. What happened to me? I'm in a really bad condition. I can pass out or even worse die from blood lost anytime. My whole body felt heavy and cold as a dead body.

With a little view I have, I don't know why but I recognise this place.

I try to walk but I don't feel anything on my right leg so I just dragged it, using trees as a support and go toward where my instinct guide me.

after sometime, I saw a bright floating light and my gut feeling tell me to go there. I try to reach it with my hand and It got brighter and brighter, I'm forced to close my eyes.


after the light is deemed down, I opened my eyes again and It seems like I'm in a middle of a busy walking path. All the cold and injury simply vanished like it never there.

"Daniel!" a girl shouted at me.


"Hold my hand, you'll get lost in this sea of people!" She stretch out her hand to me.

"O-Okay. Where are we going?" I let her hold my hand.

"Bookstore, my favourite novel new volume just came out! Come on, hurry up!"

My sister start pulling my hand and guide me to a bookstore. She look excited.


The bookstore is fairly big, we're quickly head in the novel book section. I just following her while read some book's summary. Nothing caught my eyes except...

The book titled "The Beginning After The End"

my eyes keep landing on it... Then I take it and read the book's back cover summary.

"you're in this book, Child." Someone said with silvery voice behind me while putting their hand on my right shoulder.

It startled me that I almost drop the book but I managed to catch it in time. I turned around and saw a lady in a dress. Her face is blurry so I can't see her facial features.

"I apologize for startling you." she said.

"N-no... it's nothing. What do you mean I'm inside this book?"

Her face is blurry and fuzzy but I can see she smiled at my question.

" It's exactly like I said. You're currently sleeping in a beautiful elven castle inside of this book Daniel... Or should I call you Arinedy?"

The moment she uttered that name, all of my memory... no, Arinedy's memory suck into my head. Some of the memory is really vague and small but I know that is an original Arinedy's memory.

My knee felt really week and I fall on the cold hard floor holding my head.

There's a lot of information surge into my head. My whole body felt so hot, I feel like I've been boiled alive! my body also slowly shrunk into 5 years old body...

slowly but surely remembering all of it...

then I remember everything...

calling my sister...

all of my classmate...

The bus accident...

The waterfall...

my... soul...

I supposed to be dead like the others but I'm still here...

Someone or something picked my soul and put it inside Arinedy's body...

In the fiction book world called 'The beginning after the end'. The story following a character name King Gray reincarnated into a fantasy world. His current name is.... Arthur... Leywin!

He's the one who saved me and Tessia... wait... something is wrong....

There's no one name 'Arinedy' in the entire book. I'm not suppose to exist...


I still feel tired but I calmed down now.

"Rest assure, I will give you my assistant along your journey. World beloved coreless soul." she said echoes through my ears.

"WAIT!! W-who are you??"

"You will soon find out.... My nephew." She whispered before I heard sounds of step slowly faded away.

"Wait... d-don't go..." I try to reach out but my eyelids are getting heavier and my body slowly transform from a 16 years old black hair, emerald green eyes into 5 years old white hair and red ruby eyes.

Wake up.

(A/N: how does my original chapter? The idea is really back and forth that took months to finished lol. Thanks for reading! Love ya!❤️)

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