Chapter One: Prisoner of Azkaban

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
I was in my room packing everything I need before I leave for the Train to Hogwarts and just before I walked out of my room, I made sure I had everything before finally walking downstairs to see Aunt Minerva reading the Daily Prophet to also notice a man on the front page screaming as he faced the person taking the picture of him and I began to wonder who he was before sitting down and asking Aunt Minerva who the man was, “Auntie, who’s that man on the front page” I asked as I continued to look at the picture before she moved it to see what I was talking about, “oh, that is Sirius Black dear, he is a dangerous man who has recently escaped from Azkaban” she said and I furrowed my brows, “oh, well that’s not good, are they doing anything about it” I asked as I looked up to face Aunt Minerva, “yes, they had the Dementors of Azkaban out looking for him I think” she answered before putting the paper down on the table in front of us before standing up, “so, do you have everything you need sweety” she asked and I nodded as a smile formed on my face, “yes I do Auntie” I answered as I picked up my things and we took the Floo Network to Kings Cross, “here we are dear, I wish I could take you with me but I have some things to do before you all arrive at Hogwarts” she said and I just smiled, “that alright, I’ll be with George and Fred throughout the Train ride there anyways” I answered before hugging her, “see you soon dear” she said before I waved goodbye for now, “see you later Auntie” I said before finally getting on and went looking for Fred and George.

Not long after getting on the Train, I finally found the Twins and smiled as they faced me and I sat down in front of them, “hey, how are guys doing” I asked, “we’re doing great, mum missed you after you left during the summer” Fred said and I just continued to smile, “I missed her as well, especially her cooking” I answered as they looked hurt and I giggled, “that hurt, you didn’t miss your best friends” George said and I just chuckled, “of course I missed you guys after I left, I just miss your mother and her cooking more” I said as we laughed a little before their older brother and younger, Ginny and Percy came and sat down with us and the five of us just talked throughout the Train ride until it unknowingly stopped and went dark as it quickly became cold and Percy looked out to see what was going on before being jerked back into his seat, “you alright Percy” I asked and he nodded as he stayed sitting until I noticed something floating by as I soon realized what it was, “it’s a Dementor, what do you think they're here for” I asked before remember what Aunt Minerva said earlier before we left and all I could do was just stare at it as it went by and after a while longer everything had finally gone back to normal and I just let out a sigh of relief when the Train started back up again and we just talked about what had just happened before we finally made it to the school.

Just as everyone had entered Hogwarts, everyone had brought their things to their dorms before finally heading to the Great Hall for dinner as I had sat in between the twins and Seamus as we talked some more before the Choir soon went up to the front and began to sing. By the time they had finished, Professor Dumbledore soon went up to his stand and began to speak, “Welcome, Welcome to another year at Hogwarts, Now I’d like to say a few words before we become to befuddled by our excellent feast. First I am pleased to welcome Professor R. J. Luin who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher, Good luck Professor” he said as he Introduced the man as he soon stood up and everyone clapped before Dumbledore spoke again but Ron and Harry wasn’t the only ones who had heard Malfoy as I had also wondered what he had wanted to say this time, “is it true you fainted, I mean you actually fainted” he said as his friends laughed and mocked at what he said to Harry, “shove off Malfoy” Ron said as he turned Harry around, “leave him alone Blondie” I said as he soon gave me a look before turning to face the front again, “our Care of Magical Creature’s Teacher for many years has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I am delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid” he said as Hagrid soon stood up and most of us from the Gryffindor table shouted and cheered as both Seamus and I stood u and whistled before I felt Fred pull me down and I soon did the same with Seamus.

After everyone had settled down, Dumbledore began to speak again as he finished the rest of his speech, “finally on a more describing note at the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban Until such a time  as Sirius Black is captured. The Dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds and whilst I’ve been assured that their presences will not disrupt our day to day activities a word of caution, Dementors are vicious creatures they will not distinguish between the on they hunt and the one who gets in their way, therefore I must warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you, it is not in the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving. But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times but if one only remembers to turn on the light” he said as he finished the speech and allied everyone to eat as the food appeared along the tables and on our plates and the Great Hall was once again filled with the voices of everyone who was there as they ate. By the time everyone was finished, everyone flooded out of the Great Hall and went to their own Common rooms and both Ginny and I were wondering why everyone was backed up before they finally started walking in and I soon caught up with Harry as he walked with Seamus and he soon walked up to their dorm, “I heard what Draco said earlier in the Great Hall, is everything alright” I asked and he just shrugged, “kind of I guess, it’s just that I fainted earlier on the Train ride here when the Dementor’s were searching it” he said and I just let out a sigh, “I can tell you don’t really want to talk about it but just so you know, I’m always here if you need anything alright” I said to him as he nodded, “thanks Genny, I appreciate it” he said before walking away, “good night Harry” I said and he turned with a small smile on his face, “good night Genny and thanks again” he said and I smiled before walking away and headed to my shared dorm.

As I entered the room, I had seen Hermione already in her books and Ginny doing to same thing before they looked up to see me as they had probably heard me walk in and I smiled at the both of them, “what were you talking to Harry about” Hermione asked, “I was just making sure if he was alright considering he had told me what had happened on the Train earlier and that I was there if he needed to talk” I answered her before grabbing something to change into for the night before getting into my bed and decided to talk about something else, “so Hermione, how was you Summer Vacation” I asked as she looked up from her book again, “oh, my parents and I went camping this year, it was actually really nice, how was yours” she answered, “it was pretty good, I was at Ginny’s for most of it” I answered as Ginny spoke up, “ya you were playing Quidditch with Fred and George through most of the time you were there, mum did miss you after you left though” she said and I laughed, “your brother’s said the same thing earlier about your mum as well” I answered and the three of us just continued to talk about how our summers were, Especially Hermione when she had told us more about her camping trip as her and her parents had gone hiking through the woods as well and we had also had a few laughs as Ginny and I told her the pranks we did on Fread and George throughout the time I was there until we had gotten tired and went to bed for the night since tomorrow was the first day of classes.

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